Chapter Eight

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This Song has nothing to do with the story, I just like it. The song is Heaven Knows by The Pretty Reckless

Ashton's POV

"Poopy head." I pout at Ryder. "Then what's wrong?"

"Hehe. Have you seen Jaylyn?" He's so cute. He looks like an adorable puppy. His head is cocked to the side and his eyes are wide. Awe.

"Nope. I haven't." I run and jump on the bed next to Raven and Ryder. I place my head on Ravens shoulder and turn my face towards his neck. I sniff and sigh. He smells so good.

I feel him chuckle and wrap one of his arms around me.

"I love you both and I'm sure he's fine, Ryder." Raven kisses both our heads.

I throw my arm over Ryder who's on top of Raven and burrow my head further into his neck. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and allow his body heat to lure me to sleep.

"Goodnight you two. I love you, Ashton and Ryder." Raven says quietly before we all fall asleep.

Sixx's POV

I yawn and look over at two of my older brothers, Silas and Ajax.

They both are so handsome. And also on a different couch. Pouting, I cross my arms and glare at them. Neither of them notice.


Fine. Apparently I have to do everything myself.

I get up and walk over to where they are sitting: legs spread and one arm on the back of the couch, the arm that's not by one another, and then holding hands with the hands that are near one another, which rest on the couch. They finally look up at me and I lift there hands, which are still locked together, and sit down before placing their hands on my lap. Sighing with a content smile on my face, I kiss each of them on the cheek. They both chuckle at me and kiss my cheek back. I smile and relax next to them.

There are some of my favorite times with my brothers. When we're not doing anything. Just sitting there and relaxing but also enjoying one another's company. We're not doing anything sexual just harmless hanging out. These moments make me fall more in love with my brothers all over again and these moments are my favorite.

But we're also 7 hormonal boys in one relationship. And we have a very hormonal teenage high schooler mixed in there. He's the worst out of all of us. But he's just so lovable and confident and sexy and sweet and kind and one of the best people I know. You just have to get past his hard exterior. He has a heart deep down that people rarely get to see. It makes me sad to think that no one will ever know the true Ashton. But then I remember that he's mine. And that cheers me up.

"What are you thinking about handsome?" Ajax asks me.

"Just you know...all of us." I smile and kiss his cheek then Silas's cheek.

Jaylyn's POV

I climb into the bed and hold my stomach. It hurts but I am too fat. I don't deserve food, I need to loose weight.

My clothes don't fit, I need a job. I'll have to look for one tomorrow.

---the next day---

I have to leave two hours before school starts to get back in time. It's currently 5:30, I have to leave in about 20 minutes. I take a quick shower, wash my clothes and head out.

Finally reaching the school, I straightened my clothes and knocked off a few leaves before heading into the school.

This is going to be a long day.

I walk to the office. "Good morning Johanna." I say to the secretary. She waves at me.

Johanna is a sweet young lady. She is 35 but looks 20. She was a short women of 5 foot and is Argentinian. She is beautiful inside and out. Joanna lost her husband four years ago to brain cancer. They were the cutest couple ever, even though they couldn't have kids (they adopted). They adopted 3 kids, Grant, Max and Braedon.

(A/N hey guys, I was reading the Comments and it was brought to my attention that I had messed up with my math - not surprising 😂 - so I edited it.)

"Awe, baby, how are you Jaylyn?" Joanna questions with sincerity.

"I'm ok, I got a doctors appointment during fifth and sixth hours though." I say as I kiss her on the cheek.

"Awe, ok." The phone rings and she instantly pounces on it. "Hello, this is Johanna, how may I help you?"

I wave and walk into the student center. Usually the only kids in here are the ones who get in trouble or are failing a class. Depending on who's in here I either watch over and hand out late passes or tutor and hand out late passes. Today it's tutoring.

"Good morning Mason, how are you?" I walk up to one of the football players on Ashton's team.

"Hey, Jaylyn, I'm alright, how are you?" He smiles a little.

"I'm good," lie, "ok, what do you need help with?"

"Imaginary numbers. Those suckers suck." He laughs a little and I start to teach him.

"Ok, so this..." we spend the next hour teaching and going over and perfecting. I didn't get interrupted very often. Only like 6 times.

"Ok, it still doesn't make 100% sense but i can defiantly understand it more. Thanks Jaylyn, see you Wednesday!" We both collect out stuff and head out.

He goes left, heading to his locker and I go right and go into the bathroom. Where I run into a very special person.

"Good morning, Jaylyn, miss me?"



I don't do a lot of these. But I just wanted to say 2 things:
1. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy/ed
And 2. This chapter is a rewrite so I'm sorry if it's choppy or poorly written.

Oh and a 3rd thing: I'm sorry if this was posted after chapter 9, as I said before, this is a rewrite so it was rewritten after I started chapter 9 and I couldn't figure out how to move it.
Oh and a 4th thing (sorry): sorry this is so short. I like to make my minimum at least 1000 words but I tend to do over so it's 1000 words for the story not in closing POV's and stuff like that.

Ok I'm done. Be a bae and have a good day!😘

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