Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Jaylyn's POV

"Jaylyn!" The voice that was once distant makes its way to me, becoming louder.

A groan escapes my lips. I try to move my hands and fingers and groan again in relief that they're not broken.

"Oh, god, Jaylyn! Please don't be dead!" Warm, rough hands touch my face. Slowly, i open my eyes.

I gasp when i see the familiar upturned green eyes of the worker, Kyle.

"Kyle?" I croak in confusion. Squatting in from of me, his dimpled, lopsided grin makes its appearance and he bobs his head.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Did you just hit me with your car?" He looks at me for a second before leaning back and laughing. Clutching his stomach, he laughs for a few moments before answering.

"Yes, I think I did." I stay silent and admire his beautiful smile. "I'm sorry about that by the way. Oh god, you're bleeding. I need to take you to the hospital!" His panic filled voice fills the slightly humid air, I take deep breaths trying to ignore the pain in my side.

"No, no, its fine." I start to try to get up. "I'm fine. I just get...ho..."

I fall backwards as wheezing replaces my irregular breaths.

"Oh god, oh god! Jaylyn! Please don't die, please don't die!" Kyle grips my head and lifts it up. The rest of my body soon follows.

He cradled me to his chest and whispers sweet nothings in my ear. The wheezing seizes and as I catch my breath, his breathy voice is like a siren that lures me to sleep. I feel myself being picked up and then put down. After that, my world goes dark and I loose consciousness.


Waking up in an unfamiliar place is not what I expected the next morning. I also didn't expect to wake up with a arm wrapped around my waist. But I guess shit happens.

Cause that's what's going on right now.

A muffled groan comes from behind me and then a nose nestles itself against the spot where my shoulder meets my neck. The hair on the back of my neck stand up when the unidentified, obviously male based on the size of the hands that rest on my stomach, breath washes over them. I shiver involuntary, causing the male to growl and shift slightly.

"Quit moving, Jaylyn." Kyle's gruff voices murmurs.

I just nod in return, not realizing that he couldn't see it. His hand snakes it's way downward so it rests on my belly button rather than my ribs and he pulls us closer together. I close my eyes, his warm breath teases the back of my neck and I try not to move. But boy is it hard.

My neck is the second most sensitive part of my body. The first being my ear. One nibble and I'm done for.

Learned that when some kids were bullying me on the playground in elementary school. Yeah, that was fun. Not.

"Kyle Fallon Price, you get your faggy ass up right this instant!" A high pitched women's voice bursts from down the hall and through the closes bedroom door.

"Coming mom." Kyle shouts back but doesn't make any move to get up.

"Kyle?" I whisper.

"Shh!" He shushes me. Snuggling his head even more into me. "Five more minutes."

"Kyle, I really should be going. I have to-"

"Shh. Five more minutes." He nuzzles once again. Soon after his burning hot, soft pants travel around my neck. I close my eyes and fall into a restless sleep.

After what only seems like a few minutes, the once closed door slams against the wall, succeeding in waking me up and a women, almost identical to Kyle with the same upturned green eyes and the same button nose. Their tan complexion is almost the same color. However, this women stands at about 5 foot while Kyle is pretty close to 6 foot, 6 foot one.

"Kyle Fallon- oh!" The women, who I'm assuming is his mother, stops in the middle of her sentence after spotting me. "Kyle, are you aware there is a unidentified male specimen in your bed?"

"Yes, mother. Jaylyn meet mom, mom meet Jaylyn. Now shh, I'm still tired." Kyle waves his hand back and forth between his mother and I, completely uninterested while his face remains in his pillow.

"Hi, Jaylyn, my names Mindy. I'm Kyle's mom." She smiles awkwardly at me.

"Jaylyn Shay," I smile back at her. "Nice to meet you ma'am."

"There's no need for that. Just call me Mindy." She waves off the ma'am with a disgusted look testing upon her aging skin. "Are you hungry? You know what, doesn't matter. I made breakfast."

"Well why didn't you say so." Kyle states, up and out of bed in a second flat. "Are you coming Jaylyn?"

"Ugh...yeah. Yeah, I guess." I quickly hop off the bed, my bare feet touch the cold wood floor. I race after the duo, almost running into Mindy's back as she stopped in the door way of their kitchen.

Their house wasn't huge but I liked it. It was a comfy little house. It had a nice warm feel to it, with a slight winter mint smell.

"My bad, Jaylyn." She steps into the kitchen and moved over to allow me through. I shyly look up at her.

"It's fine, ma-Mindy." I catch my self. She playfully glares at me. "Sorry."

"It's fine darling." Her booming laugh echos off the walls as she struts her way to the stove.

I make my way over to where Kyle is sitting and take the seat next to him. Kyle already has a plate full of food. I took a couple pieces of bacon and a piece of toast and placed it on my plate.

"Is that all you're going to eat?" Mindy asks me, a salad in her hand.

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry." I shrug and nibble on the bacon pieces.

"Ok, honey." She sits down and pours dressing over her salad. Kyle goes in for a second helping off all the food. "So where do you live?"

"Union road." She seems to accept my answer after thinking about it.

"Alone." She asks, I shake my head. "Parents?" I nod my head."What did you say your name was?"

"Jaylyn Shay, why?" I stop nibbling on the bacon to look at her.

"So you're Jacob and Abbi's son, then right?"

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