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joshs pov

2 months later

these two months have went on just fine. i've only got small bumps here and there from alex and his squad in school, nothing big.
halsey and melanie are currently dating. dallon is coming to visit us. tyler and i have been developing a strong friendship, even though i wish it was something more. i've become good friends with tyler's friends too, brendon, ryan and pete. i'm gonna have my first basketball game with this team soon. ashley is doing better and it's a chance that she'll wake up again. life is coming along pretty well. the only bad thing is that spooky hasn't left. he appears at the most inappropriate times.

i walk into school, feeling like it's gonna be a good day. until i see tyler walking towards me in an angry pace.
-w-what's wrong? i ask shakily
-don't ever talk to me again you stupid slut. he says and walks away. i start tearing up, out of embarrassment i run out. i sit down by the staircase in front of the school. i just sit there in silence, the only sound that breaks through is my sobs and sniffles. until the doors break open and tyler runs out.
-HEY TYLER PLEASE WHAT HAVE I DONE? i scream so that he hears me. he turns around drastically and walks towards me. he grabs the collar of my shirt and says
-you know what you've done.
-w-what no? i haven't done anything tyler.. i say as my lip is starting to tremble. confusion spreads across his face but soon after the angry look is back.
-don't lie to me josh.
-i'm not lying tyler. i promise. i would never lie to you. i break out in sobs again.
-how can i be so sure of that?
-because.. i paus.
-BECAUSE WHAT JOSH? he screams in my face, now his lip is trembling and tears start streaming down his cheeks.
-BECAUSE I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU TYLER! DONT YOU GET THAT? i spit out in his face and yank his hand of my shirt and walk away. i can't believe i told him that.

he never liked you anyways.

i know.

you're too ugly josh.

i know.

and pathetic

i know

and stupid

i know pleas stop.
i'm starting to get a panic attack, breaths getting heavier.

josh you're crazy.
die josh. now.
your friends just pity you they don't care about you.

-PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE. i accidentally scream. i look over at tyler and see panic in his eyes. he runs over to me.
-hey josh stay with me. calm down.

josh he doesn't care he just don't want any problems.
leave josh. now.

-hey josh calm down. i'm in tyler's arms now.
suddenly everything is black.

tylers pov

i sit next to josh. he just lies down on that bed. peaceful. all i'm feeling right now is guilt because this is my fault. i could've just talked to him. i'll never forgive myself for this.

josh's mom suddenly runs in.
-i'm sorry it took so long time for me, i hurried as much as i could. she says under her breath.
-it's okay mrs. dun. i try to give her a sympathetic smile but i could feel how fake it was.
-how is he?
-he's okay. he'll just have to stay here for the night then he can go home. she nods and try to smile but burst into tears. i pat her back slowly.
-i'm sorry. i-i just thought of the last time he laid in this kind of bed.
-it's okay you don't have to be sorry mrs. dun. what was it like? i ask, actually curious about the answer even if i could already imagine how terrible it would be.
-oh please call me momma dun tyler. and it was terrible. i didn't know if i was gonna lose my son or not. it hurts. i thought he was happy here though.
-he is happy here he just has his break downs sometimes, we all have. what happened when he laid in this kind of bed the last time? i've asked a lot of times but he never wants to talk about it.
-h-he tried to commit suicide.. h-he had been dealing with his demons for a long time then. he thought no one would care. he thought everyone would be happy if he wasn't here. she broke into a heavier sob at the last sentences.
-it's okay momma dun. you don't have to say anything more. i say sympathetically.
-please don't let him do that again. i can see the way my son is looking at you. you can really make him happy tyler. please don't break him.
-i promise. i can't live without this dork. i looked over at him and grabbed his hands, a few tears fell from my cheeks. but i didn't care, i really can't live without him.
-you know when he was little the best thing he knew was camping. he enjoyed all the sounds. he loved how the birds would sing in the morning. he loved how the bright sun would shine on the flowers. he'd look at the flowers and trees with such admiration. the only thing i've seen him look that way at is you tyler joseph. she smiled as a light tear rolled down her cheek.
-thank you. she finished. i just smiled at her.


this is crap, sorry.

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