(C1) Starbucks and feeding

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Hey guys here is the first chapter! By the way (C1) means chapter 1 and then (C2) means chapter 2 and... yeah.

You get it.Well comment on how this chapter is, thanks!

Hey guys I'm sorry I said I would of updated the other night again so sorry. But here is the first chapter please vote and comment if you like it.




(Louis POV:)

Ok now I was only a few yards away from her. "Sh*t" I swore, I didn't realise that I was in the city where people could see me. But I was so thirsty so I just followed her sent and sniffed around some more and there were no other people within hearing or seeing range. Looks like luck is on my side today I thought to myself.

I was guessing that was her flat I was walking up to and reached for the door knob.


Well hey you remember me right I'm Louis and I am so glad Liam showed up because I almost killed the girl. like I said our lust for blood can get out of control sometimes, and that happened to be one of the times.

Liam had to bite his wrist and shove it in her mouth to drink his blood. Vampires blood helps you heal faster that's why we rarely get hurt that much. He erased her memories of us ever existing away so she would not remember us by the time she wakes up cause she fainted while seeing my fangs.

"Hey Lou we are going out to fed wanna come with us?" Harry asked me while walking in my room. "Sure why not, I am kinda getting thirsty!" I exclaimed. "K then hurry up and meet the rest outside on the porch" Harry told me and so I did, I went out to the front porch in black skinny jeans and a black T-shirt with black converse and ruffled/messy hair. The sun was almost starting to set so we had a little while before we started hunting for blood. Harry came out of the flat and locked the door and started to walk towards town with the rest of us behind him.

"You guys wanna hit Starbucks really quickly?" Liam asked us. "sure" all of us said together except Niall. "IM HUNGRY!!" Niall exclaimed a little to loudly and got some weird glances from people around us.

"Um Niall, that is kind of why we are going to Starbucks, to eat" Zayn said warmly to Niall who finally understood.

Once we were in Starbucks we went up to the counter which was surprisingly nobody was waiting at and ordered what we wanted and left.

We started walking towards the woods to go find us some humans to feed from because there is always some human lurking around in the woods. As we were walking towards the woods I smelt a beautiful fragrance and stopped in my tracks and I guess the rest of the lads smelt it to because they had stopped also.

There was a girl leaving her house and headed towards the woods. "I call dibs on her!" I whisper yelled so that she couldn't hear us.

"Oh but I wanted her" Harry whined.

"Louis and Harry stop it before she hears us!" Liam whispered. "Ok as long as he gets to share" Harry said. "No Harry, he called her first so he gets her, and like I said before now be quiet before she hears us ok!!" Liam said.

We shut up and followed her, she just walked past our house which was halfway in the woods and she stopped at a stream/lake that was about 6 feet deep when you are almost half way in it. The lake was about a quarter of a mile past our house.

One of us stepped on a twig and it snapped rather loudly. Loud enough for her to hear and guess what she did hear and everybody knows that there is no animals or anything out here so she has a reason to bother and know what that was. Then she turned around........


Dun dun Dunn what do you think happens next!!! Please vote, comment, and follow to find out what happens!!

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