"Part 1 "

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Hey, christen are you coming out to the party at Jeremiah's tonight. I don't know yet Samantha I don't know what time I get off and today has been very busy none stop. I'm sure the streets will be full tonight. have you seen my sister Lizzy today she said she was gone to come help?

well, I guess she forgot. well, christen you know that won't be the first time for her to get side track when you need her help. yeah I know well maybe one day she will grow up and take on some responsibilities. but I won't hold my breath on that.

well, hope you don't because I don't want to lose my friend over that. aww shut up Samantha and get out of here so I can finish my work. and tell Jeremiah and them I will try to make it. and oh if you see Lizzy tell her I'm still waiting.

sure will and hope to see you tonight.well if I can not make it take pictures and yall have fun I will but I know you will make it. I will try. ok, see you later christen. ok, sam see you then. well hey, there sexy hey paul are you gone to the party tonight.

I don't think so this time because it's gone to be the same old thing they get drunk then sick and the next day everyone is feeling like shit. so yeah I guess I will pass on that. so what are you going to be doing well you tell me because I'm not gone to the party,

without you and you should know that? your friends will be mad at you. oh well, and they will get over it. what time do you want me to pick you up baby let's say around 6 ok that sounds good and I will see you then. ok, see you then.

hey, christen oh hey Jeremiah what bring you here I just saw sam not long ago. well, I had to pick up some more snacks and drinks and beer for the night because a lot more is coming to the party then I thought. are you still coming well I told sam I will try

because this place been packed all day and Lizzy was supposed to come help but as you see she didn't make it? and I don't know what time I will get out of here. oh, she is in hiding again then. yes, she is. well, I will let you get back to work and hope you and paul can make it.

ok and if we can't make it have a cold one for us. will do. ok, see yall later. see yall and try not to have to much fun. oh, we will for sure do that. later, Jeremiah, you are crazy. yes, I know. just go already I will see yall later. yup and same to you and try not to have to,

much fun here at work. yeah, right I will try not to. well, it was almost time to clean up and wipe stuff down to close up the place. men its been a long day I am so tired all I want to do is just lay down and rest well I'm done here Mr lee anything else you want me to do.

know everything looks good and you did a good job today christen and thank you for all the help your welcome Mr lee I will see you tomorrow. know christen take the day off and rest you deserve it thanks, Mr lee well guess will see you day after then.

good night christen and be careful out there tonight oh I will thanks again. well, I walked outside and looked up at the sky thinking how strange it was looking just not the same. and what is that smell in the air wow can't anyone else smell it.

maybe they are just too drunk are hyped up for the night. I don't know. right now I'm just wishing my ride gets here so I can kick off these shoes and rest. hey, sexy do you need a ride why sure handsome where to. oh, will see it's a surprise. oh yeah

oh yeah ok then let us go. you got it and we are off. hey, paul yeah do the sky looks funny to you and different. well, I really didn't look and how about the air that smell I know I can't be the only one that smells it. know your not I smell it to. I know right this is.

all just too weird I wonder what it can be. I don't know honey maybe someone burned their food. know it not that and you know it its something else. oh, baby, it could be nothing maybe a garbage truck passed don't worry so much try to have fun,

tonight ok honey I always have fun with you and safe. aww, that's sweet of you baby. well where are we going you will see honey. just a little hint. nope, nothing you have to wait. aww, that's just not fair. well if I told you it wound not be a surprise will it.

I guess not is it far because I sure am tired. know not much longer at all. and when we get there my poor tired baby if you like I will even carry you in. aww, what a gentlemen you are. well, thank you, my love, only for my queen I would do anything.

aww, you are just too good to me baby and yes you do make me feel like a queen. all the time you spoil me rotten. and I sometimes feel bad because I never have time are a chance to do something good for you. oh but you are wrong there my love.

because you do. like what tell me what do I do for you. well first off you being with me and loving me as you do that is all I could ever ask for from you. and I love that every moment you are with me and every touch and every kiss so don't say you don't give me anything

because you do. my love aww baby I do love you and I love you too. are we there yet almost where is this place I have not been here before. well I was out and about riding and I found this place and when I saw it I thought of you.

wow, it's pretty out here. yes, it is as we pulled up under a big beautiful tree with big pink flowers growing on it. oh, honey it so beautiful. yes, I know just like you. aww, how sweet so do you want to walk are does my queen needs a lift.

I will walk so I can look at all this I can't believe this was here in our town and we didn't even know it. smell all those flowers and just so much beauty I'm just shocked. well, baby, I was hoping you would like it. yes, I do thank you. oh, we not done yet. oh, we are not.

nope, this is just the begin.

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