" Part 8 "

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paul came to the room well I got the door fix to where we need to get in fast. but those things can't right baby. know they can't. that's good that was some ugly looking beast. and there are dozens of them and reading that dairy was so sad.

 yes, baby, II now please not try to think about it I know its hard. but we have to try and maybe we will find more survivors out there tomorrow ok. yes, baby, I hope so because this place is big enough for us we might have to get more food in stuff but it's fine with me.

me to honey hey come here and lay by me you sexy thing. aww, baby, you always make me feel so much better I climbed up on the bed by him up in his arms as he hugged me, baby,,, ,I'm scared I no honey but we will be ok I promise and won't let anything happen to

you as he kissed me on my forehead now try to get you some sleep honey. I will try but I'm worried about sam and how she is acting right now she doesn't want us to go out and look and see if anyone else survived this it is not like her honey

she is only scared. yeah but we all are but we will still go and try to help. I don't know honey don't think about it ok and try to get some sleep because we will have a lot to do tomorrow and hope there are more people out there. and honey

you know it is up to them if they want to come with us are not we can't make them ok. yes, baby, I know ok now get you some sleep. with another kiss on my forehead, good night baby I love you I love you too as I fell asleep in his arm were I always felt safe.

morning came paul was not here I went out to the kitchen he was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. hey, sleepy head did you get a good sleep.some what I guess a lot of bad dreams. I did to that's why I got up early do you want a cup of coffee.

yes please are the others are still asleep yeah they are we will wake them up shortly ok. honey did you look outside yes I did and it looks clear that I can see that is oh ok just was wondering and will you show me later about the door on how to get in

if I have to yes baby you know I will and the others not sure yet about sam. yes, baby, I understand let's get them up so we can do what we got to do I'm glad we live in a small town kinda because if it was a big city we are in a bond. oh, baby what if there

are babies out there because Lizzy said she was asleep before the eclipse well have to check house here to inside and out what if there are poor babies out there. calm down honey we will check them all if we have to ok so breath ok.

ok honey just thinking about it makes my heart hurt. I know baby we will do all we can but we can only do so much at a time ok but we will get it done. I wonder if is like this every wheres are just here I know baby still nothing on the radio yet.

so know telling but I'm thinking yes. I don't know why is this is happening for what did we do to get this. I don't know honey but it was not us because you have read the diary it had to been going on and we didn't even know it. for years

but why if they knew about this since the 50" something should have been said. honey, we are talking about the 50" not sure they had what we have now. I guess your right I'm gone to go and wake the others and just leave sam sleep because she said she was not going.

hey, baby can we talk before you go and do that. yes, baby what is it. sorry honey but it is about sam if we find people and come back I will hit the button to let us in just to see if she will and if she doesn't I really hate to say she it but she will be a threaten to us and you know it.

yes, honey, I know but I guess we will see today and I hope she hurries and answers the door are leave us out here to die. then I know what we will have to do. but right now don't want to think about it because you fixed it and if she does do it well will

have to go from there. ok honey just had to be straight ok I know she is your best friend and all but we have to do what we have to do to survive this. yes, I know baby. I'm gone wake up the others so we can do what we got to do today before dark.

and the list is food water and look for survivors and whatever else we can get to fight these things. I went knock on Lizzy's door time to get up things to do. then I went knock on Jeremiah's door hey time to get up things to do. today then I went back to the

kitchen and sat down to finish my coffee and wait for them to get up. honey did you knock on sam's door. know baby she said she didn't want to go so I will just let her sleep. you don't think she will get upset with you if you didn't well I have not

thought of it I guess I can so she don't feel left out. so went to sam's room and knock on her door hey sam we will be leaving soon need you to lock the door behind us unless you changed your mind and want to come well we are out here having

coffee if you would like to join us. well, Lizzy came out boy coffee I need some. then Jeremiah came out good morning yall. morning to you we got coffee made if you want some sure thanks, sam still have not come out yet maybe I should go check on her

I knocked on her door again hey sam are you ok no answer sam whats wrong she still didn't answer so I open the door she was on her bed. sam what is wrong with you why you have not answered me you had me worry. well, I think yall are stupid to

go out there and try to find more people and bring them here. really sam this is how you are acting you don't care if anyone else is alive out there and need help are even a baby that can be in a house by itself.  and all you can do is think about yourself.

your sad and should be ashamed of yourself.

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