"Part 11"

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I went to my room and I told Paul lets leave the door open because I told the kids I would for them. its fine honey we can leave open for them if they need us. thank you, honey.baby you know I will do anything for you and you should know that by now. yes, honey, I know just right now so much on my mind I'm kinda not thinking straight on all what happen today.

and what got to me the most is what Sam  I can't believe she has done that to us. I know honey me to but what are we gone to do about it. well, honey, you heard me we are bringing her back where we found her are she got another place but she got to go I'm not gone to deal with what she did that was too much and she needs to go.

are you sure yes I am first thing tomorrow she got to go I will give her some food but she is on her own we can't trust her anymore and we can't live like that and keep wondering what she will do next know she has to go? ok honey first thing tomorrow we will do it. and I know it will be hard but we have to survive this.

yes I know honey can we please stop talking about it because it really piss me off ok baby lets get some rest because we still have a lot to do and this is just a beginning. yes, I know but I know we will get through this together. yes, we will honey now get some rest ok. I love you, baby. I know honey and I love you too and I won't let anything happen to you.

now get some rest ok. thank you, baby, as I dose off to sleep. I woke up felt a little lost Paul where are you, Paul I'm here honey I was in the kitchen making coffee and some breakfast those little ones was very hungry I think they can eat more than me poor babies I'm sure they were hungry I'm glad we found them.

we have to look some more only god know's how many are out there confused and lost and scared yes baby we will go look. we will do our best ok but you know we can't save everyone and I hope they are in a safe place till this past. I know honey me to all we can do is pray that they are safe.

is everyone still asleep guess we need to wake them up so they can eat and we can get going. but someone needs to stay here with the kids we can't take them with us. maybe your sister will stay with them I will ask. well, let me go wake with them. I knock on Lizzy door hey Lizzy are you up we have coffee on and breakfast made.

yes, II'm up I will be there in a little bit. ok, see you in little. I knock on door Jeremiah are you up we got coffee made and breakfast made yes I'm up I will be out in a little let me get ready ok see you there I knock on door sam you up come get some coffee and food before you go I'm really sorry about this but you did it you gave me no choice.

hope you got your stuff together sam do you hear me hello sam I'm coming in I open the door she was gone all her stuff was gone. paul come here please what is it baby she is gone all her stuff is gone to let me go check the door in the front ok. I walked to the kitchen hey yall did you hear sam leave at any time know why.

she is gone well Paul she had left the front door open wide and she took the SUV. that damn bitch I hope nothing got in baby me and Jeremiah will check the place up and down. and can you please see if she took anything else. yes, honey come on Lizzy lets look. I never did like that girl Chris I only talked to her because she was your friend I know Lizzy.

and I'm sure glad Paul put a lock on the guns where she could not get to them me to Lizzy but let us still check it ok sure we will and the food and water ok Lizzy you check the guns and I will the food and water ok. and we will meet up in the kitchen in 5 ok see you in a little bit ok. well, the guns are still locked up everything seems to be there. some of the food and water was missing but we will try to get more today.

when we go out and look for more people. hey, guys hey honey was everything safe yes did you check back door yes honey everything is fine thank god. hey Lizzy, if you don't mind, will you stay with the kids while we go out and look sure I don't mind we can't leave them alone for sure thank you, Lizzy, so much. Chris you don't have to thank me and you know that yeah I know but still.

miss Chris yes baby and you check on our aunt and uncle and our cousins, please sure we will where do they live they lived 3 houses down our street sure baby that will be the first place we go ok thank you miss Chris you don't have to call me miss just Chris will be fine ok thank you Chris your welcome well let us get going while we have time before 6

we will see yall in a few hours, ok Lizzy lock up good when we leave ok right behind you is everyone ready Paul Jeremiah yes we are all ready ok then let us do this let me go out first and see if the coast is clear ok honey.

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