" Part 3 "

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what we are going to do now paul and christen. well, Lizzy, I guess we go try to find our friends and see if any of them are ok. I hope so christen. me to you ok paul yes I will be fine. let us go find your friends where was the party at.

by Jeremiah's house, they said. ok let us go see then well we made it to Jeremiah's place we all got out to go look around for them. there were clothes everywhere but we were not sure why was who at this point. I hello is anyone here

Jeremiah Samantha are yell here the music was still playing loud. paul can you please turn that off if you don't mind. sure baby I will sam are you here Jeremiah hello please someone answer me. I'm gone in the house and check yall

hold on let us all go together because we don't know what happen here. ok hello is anyone here sam Jeremiah are yall here. we heard a noise down in the basement it was sam and Jeremiah. we are down here hurry before it comes back.

we ran down the stairs they open the door. sam hugged me so tight I'm so happy you are all ok. sam what happen here. I'm not sure it happen so fast I and Jeremiah came down here to get more beer and stuff. then it was horrible to christen.

Jeremiah what happen we were down here then we heard screaming and crying and yelling we thought at first maybe it was a fight had started so we looked out the window but they was running and screaming every which way they can.

and it was something out there chasing them and it was more than one it had wings it was nothing I ever have seen before ever not even in a book. christen we saw it killing all our friends and family just ripping them apart like they were nothing.

it was horrible so me and sam turn off the lights and we hide down here. like cowards I should of went help. know Jeremiah it would have done the same to you if you did. yeah, Jeremiah, you would have never had a chance if it did like you said

yes paul it was really bad did yall put on the radio to see what has happened here sam. know didn't think about it. Jeremiah do

you have a radio down here I'm not sure let us look ok. sam was crying in the corner and shaking like crazy.

I want to go home. sam as soon as we find the radio and listen to see what has happened here we will go to your house. know those things are out there they will kill us. sam we were out there all morning nothing is out there as of now. so please help us find the radio.

ok good. hey, christen here one great turn it on, please and there was nothing but static in the air, not even a sound. paul this is not good. know it does not well let get sam to her house and check on here family ok then we will get some supplies and food from the store

and get some weapons also because we don't know what we are dealing with and we have gone to need shelter also Jeremiah do yall have any weapons here. yeah upstairs my dad got a good collection of them great and I hope with ammo to yes he does great let's go.

I'm scared to go up you guys what if one of them is up there. sam you stay here and we will go look ok. what by myself. Lizzy will you please stay here with her until we give yall the clear to come up. yeah, I will stay with her and I will play with this radio some more

thanks, Lizzy sure anytime christen and be careful up there ok. I will thanks. well we went up stairs and looked around and got all the guns and ammo and grab some can goods and whatever we can use. hey, Jeremiah, I hate to ask you this but where is your

parents at they went away for the weekend to our camp by the lake how far is it from here its about 300 miles. did your dad take any weapons with him? only his handgun that he always carries with him. well, that's good and maybe they are ok

I don't know christen I been trying all morning and know answer up there. well, maybe they have know phone service up there. know christen we use a radio up there to keep contact with each other. oh, I'm sorry Jeremiah well take it and we can keep trying.

I will. well, are yall guys ready still got a lot to do bring sam to her house and get more food and ammo. yes, paul we are ready. hey, yall down there coast is clear come on so we can go.ok, we are coming. well, we got to the car and sam still crying looking at all our

friends. sam please don't look just put your head down when we get in the car ok. christen is it that bad on the road. bad enough so just keep your head down till we get to your house. ok, I will let when we get there ok we got to sam house well sam we are here.

I can't get out I'm too scared to.jeremiah and paul can yall go, please. yes, sam we will go for you thanks, I hope my family is ok in there. we do too. baby lock the doors ok we won't be long. ok baby we will. they went inside they were gone for a little

time then they came out sam's head was down and paul shook his head know. we unlocked the doors for them. well did you find them are they ok. I looked at sam and said I was sorry. know it's not true it can't be them even my little sister and brother too.

yes sam we are sorry as she cried and lizzy grab her and huged her for some confort for her. and we got to the store where I worked was hoping Mr lee was ok him and his wife. come let's get what we need ok and will check if Mr lee and his wife is here. ok

hello anyone here Mr lee it christen is anyone home. yes, hold on Mr lee I'm so happy yall are ok. yes, christen and sure happy to see you too. what happen do you know? know we was here watching tv and everything just went crazy people were screaming

outside and then the tv went blank and me and the wife checked the bars and gates on the place to make sure it was all lock then we went back in the house and went to the basement for the night so you didn't look outside know christen why

because some of my friends was still a live and they saw something with wings a lot of them just killing all our friend and family. oh I'm so sorry to christen thanks, Mr lee well we gone find shelter for us do you want to come. know christen we will stay here.

Mr lee we need some food and stuff I will pay of course. know get what yall need and take it and yall be safe well we have a radio to talk on if you have one we will keep in touch. yes, I have one and you can reach me on #9 ok thanks and good luck. you to christen. ok bye and thank you for the food and supplies.

you're very welcome christen if you ever need anything you know where to find us. thank you, Mr lee yall be safe to and we will check in on yall with the radio everyday ok love yall and please stay safe. yall to christen stay safe. thank you, Mr lee goodbye for now.

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