" Part 5 "

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you don't have to be so mean to me christen. I'm not mean sam but you need to stop always thinking about yourself all the time. I do not do that. yes, you do sam. aww, shut up Lizzy what you know. well I know a lot thank you. because every time I see you.

it is like oh how cute I need this are I need that oh wow that's to die for I just got to have it. you just make me sick with your show off self. I do not act like that Lizzy. and christen do you think I act like that sorry sam. but yes I do. then why you never told me anything because

you are my friend that's why I'm not a mean person to tell rude stuff to my friends. now, on the other hand, Lizzy will tell you straight up she doesn't care if your family are friends. aww shut up christen." see I told you. so now yall are turning against me

know we are not Samantha just letting you know that it is more to life than just yourself see yall being mean to me. we are not. I should have stayed in the basement at Jeremiah's house. really sam now you acting like a baby. know I'm not christen oh really

well if you want to go back we will bring you if that's what you want and how long do you think that door will hold up when it comes for you. sam I'm not trying to be mean all I want is for you to help us here that's all. ok, I'm sorry for acting the way I did

and I will help. thank you, that's all we wanted from you. well, everything is picked up. how yall guys doing over there. baby, you need something to drink. yes please coming up how about you Jeremiah yes please ok be back in a little

here you go, honey. thanks, honey and here you go, Jeremiah, thanks, welcome is it work. baby. yes almost done that's great anything you need me to do. know we have it covered ok. then just yell if you need anything and oh I saw a hall

in here am gone get Lizzy and check them out might be some rooms in here for us. ok yall be careful and take a gun. ok, I will. hey, Lizzy, I saw a hall over here you want to go with me it might be some rooms down it that way we can have I a place to sleep at night.

sounds good to me lets go look. hey, can I come, please? yes, sam and you don't have to ask are say please silly. ok. well, come on its this way wow its dark though there. yes, it is let get a few lamps to take with us so we can see look christen.

what looks like they had lights down here at one time maybe we can find the box that it leads to maybe it might still work. boy that would be nice for sure. yes, it would Lizzy. hey look some rooms look in them to see if there are any box in them.

wow, people use to live down here they have beds and all in these rooms. yeah, I see that Lizzy. come on let us look more ok. look there is an opening up ahead. yeah, maybe the box will be in there well we will soon see we got to the open.

wow will yall look at this there is a kitchen in here with everything. come on let see if we can find a switch are something for the lights.hey christen. yeah ." look here is something. I 'm coming well this might be it and it's off so let us see

Lizzy stand back please in case it throws fire hey before I do this see if there is a fire extinguisher here. yeah here is one. great bring it over here just in case ok but stand back well here it go's fingers cross I flip the switch a few sparks and the lights was blinking then came

on full yes it worked. wow, I'm so happy it did. yes, sam now we can look around better in here and look at the rooms better. well, I'm gone find me a room. about right Lizzy hey we need to sleep at night and we need to clean the room right.

yes, your right lets go find our rooms and come back and clean in here. hey, christen I found mine. good for you Lizzy and I just found mine and pauls it's a nice size too. hey, sam did you find one yes but I will be afraid to sleep in why

because I will alone. know you won't we are all here right across from each other and you can leave your door open if you're scared. ok, thanks. hey, Lizzy does your room have a bed. yes, a bed and dresser and lamps. yeah minds to I wonder who use to live down here and how long it's 

been here so if yall find any papers are photos put it on the table so we can see how long it been here and what's crazy they have bedding that is sealed in plastic so we don't have much to do. but still gone to use my own stuff but this might

come in handy if we find any more survivors out there I got to go tell paul what we found. be right back. hey, baby look we found lights I see that and it's not all I think at one time people lived here there are rooms with beds in it. know way really. yes, they even have a kitchen in here

I told the girls if they find papers are photos to put them on the table so we can see who was here at one time. sounds good baby. well we done here so let's check out the place., hey baby can we make sure that there is no other place that something can get in.

honey you was reading my thoughts at the same. oh good now come on baby lets go look. wow, this place is big and a lot of rooms too. yes, we checked some of them before we found the lights in here. well, let's check them as we go. oh, baby, I found us a room to already

and Lizzy and sam did to so Jeremiah you can find you one. that's great baby wow look at this kitchen what is in that door there. I don't know we didn't get to check in here yet. ok, I will see its a pantry with food. what. yes come see look a lot of it is M.R.E and they are still good 

these things will last like forever what is that it's food you can eat just add hot water and a lot of that food good my father use to bring some home with him where he use to work. well, baby thats good then. yes, it is well let me check this door. 

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