" Part 9 "

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and like it are not we are going to do it now you can stay with us are you can leave. because right now I don't care. because I don't even know who you are right now. so you better make up your damn mind what you want to do. and then I slammed the door

behind me and went back to the others.  are you, ok baby not really she pissed me off I told her to make up her mind if she was gone to stay here with us are leave because I was not gone to put up with her and her selfish ways. we can't trust her anymore.

I really hate to say it but she doesn't want us to help know one what if it was her out there I'm sure she would be the first one to jump in the car. and be very happy we came. calm down honey it will be ok we just need to keep a close eye on her

do you think we should lock up the guns because she is not herself and I don't trust her anymore I hate to do it but she might turn on us and I don't want to take that chance? ok honey, I will put a small lock on it and hide the key it where only us will know where it is.

well, christen is she coming out are what. I don't know Lizzy what she is doing in there well anyway we need to go we are wasting time here let us get what we need and go well let us do it I'm ready well is everyone ready lets go paul open the door real slow

and looked outside to see if everything was clear and safe to go out. come on its clear so we closed the door behind us and we got in the car. well, how we gone to do this check houses first are to the store first. well, baby maybe we should split up but in pairs, 

that way 2 will go to the store and 2 will check houses. you think that will be safe. yes, it should be and we can get more done and we can get another car to do this. ok, baby, I guess so. well, Lizzy, you and Jeremiah go to the store and get all you can

but first ask if anyone is there because don't want you to get shot are nothing. ok we will ok and will hit the house over here and lets meet up in 30 minutes ok and if yall can look for a radio that we can carry on us. will do see yall in 30 ok.

come on baby lets go check on that house right there ok. so we knocked but know answer hello is anyone here hello we are here to help we coming in ok all we want to do is help so we walked in hello is anyone here anybody where here to help.

let go look up stairs first ok hello anyone home we came to a room and open the door. looks like the parent's room. hey, baby look on the floor. and there were clothes that looked the same outside come on let check the other rooms. we came to a room

with all little girls pictures drawings on it I had tears coming from my eyes as we walked in we looked around and didn't see anything like the other room hello is anyone here you don't have to be afraid of us we are here to help hello then we heard crying

coming from the closet hello its safe to come out we are here to help as I open the door real slow came running out was a little girl about 7 and her little brother about 5 came running out and hugged me so tight is the monsters are gone. yes, baby for now.

we saw them take our mommy and daddy they were screaming I grab my little brother and took him in the closet and hold his mouth so we didn't make any noise. you have done a very good job and brave to you took your little brother and hide.

yall come with us now ok we are staying in a very safe place and I'm sure yall are very hungry. lady is my mommy and daddy is gone. yes, baby, I'm so sorry she hugged me and just cried so hard what is your name little one well my name is Sky and this is my brother Tim

he is shy well that's ok we will take good care of you Sky and your little brother to now we have to get going and see if anyone else needs help. are the monster out there no not right now. paul you think we should head back because of them

because we don't need to drag them around and see what we do. yes, honey, you are right and Lizzy and Jeremiah should be out there by now ok lets go. do yall have anything yall want to bring maybe some clothes are toys and stuff they grab some clothes

and pillow and stuff to play with and Sky grab a picture of her and her family. I did my best to hide my tears from them and try to be brave for them hey I see you found some kids where is their parents I looked at her before she said it and shook my head know.

oh wow, sad. yall so we gone to head back for the day because we don't need to drag them around with us. sure that's ok lets do it. hey, Sky this is my little sister Lizzy and my friend Jeremiah and Lizzy and Jeremiah this is Sky and Tim.

well hello yall to wow that is some cool looking toys you have there. thank you, our mommy and daddy got this for us the other day. and those monsters took them away from us now we are all alone oh baby that's not true now yall have us

for good friends now and you will never be alone ok. yes lady oh, I'm sorry my name is christen and this is paul so you don't have to call me lady ok. yes well, we are almost there at our safe place. and the monsters can't get in nope they sure can't ok

and guess what yall can even pick out your own room if you like because it has a lot of rooms and Sky you can put up some of your artwork where ever you want ok. thank you.can I and my brother share a room, please? yes, whatever make yall comfortable.

thank yall christen your very welcome and all you have to do is ask one of us if you want anything ok. ok well, we here let go in. wow, look at all these flowers they even have them on the big trees. yes, they are every wheres here they smell so good you think sky

yes, they do. christen. yes, can I pick a few real fast that we can put in our room sure go ahead and get you some? hey, christen I'm gone ring the bell and see if sam lets us in are not ok Lizzy go try and see what she do.

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