" Part 10 "

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christen yeah Lizzy come see for a sec, please. sure what's up? well I ring the bell and I yelled and she did not answer. are you for real she done that to us what if we was under attack know I can't have this. paul Lizzy went ring the bell and yelled and sam did not answer

at all. let me go try and see what I will do ok. but hurry we need to get in soon. I know baby and we can I just want to see what she is doing. ok, will see you in a little then.hey, sam we are back let us in before those things come out again.

I can't and I won't we don't need more people in here. so yall just have to find a different place for yall. because we don't need all them in here sam we took you in and now you are doing this to us really christen is your best friend. yes, I know but I also want to live

and yall don't know what y'all doing so go and find yall self another place to stay. ok, sam we are going then goodbye and good luck. y'all too and tell christen I'm sorry but I had to do what was right. ok, I will and guess your right. well did she answer yes she told me to go

and find us another place because we didn't know what were doing? are you for real she said that. yes, baby she did I'm sorry because I know yall was best friends. get me inside and I will show you, friends. so she is willing to leave us out here to die.

come on yall its getting late let us get inside ok. paul can you please open the door for us if you don't mind and hey yall watch how he do it in case we need to get inside fast are just get in. we got inside and sam was in the kitchen how in the hell did yall get inside of here?

I had everything on lock down. I ran to her and grabbed her by the head of her hair and slung her to the floor like the low life she was. you see we were watching how you was acting last night and thought maybe you would do something like this but really

I didn't want to believe it but we rigged it up in case you did do it to us for us to get back inside. but you have proved me wrong you are willing to leave us outside and die. so now this is the thing we took you in with us because you are my best friend but now see I'm not yours.

so I will be nice about this and let you stay the night and not throw you out to the monsters that you just have done to us. and I will take you back first thing tomorrow to the basement we found you in so get a good night sleep because you will need it

know christen you won't do that to me, will you? sam look what you did to us and did not even give a damn, yes I will I can't have you put us in jeopardy are killed because your selfish ways and you will leave first thing tomorrow and the best thing right now just get the hell out of face before I hurt you.

are you for real christen. do you really want to find out and you need to get the hell out of my face before I change my mind and throw you out tonight? because believe me that is crossing my mind right now so again go while you can.

boy, look at what kind of friend you are throwing me out. really sam what kind of friend I am looking at what you did to us and you didn't even care and we were the ones who took you here and you turned on us and you want to say stuff like that.

look sam you need to go to your room before my sister hurts you for what you did to us are worse and there will be no stopping her. shut up Lizzy this is between us. heads up oh girl know it's not what you did was way uncalled for and you are lucky

she is even let you stay another nite because we all vote to send you out for what you did and what's best for you do what she say because there will not be anyone here take her off of your ass when she starts on you so go to your room and get your

shit ready for tomorrow because you are out of here. and to think of it all day she had faith in you because yall was the best of friends and you have done this to her hell even you did it to us too.  good night and hope it will be a good one for you because there is no

changing her mind now so just go, please well sam went to her room hey kiddos did yall find a room yet are what yeah we found a big one for us if that's ok. yes, it is I told you to find what you wanted right so show me what did yall pick out.

this room because it has 2 beds in it and it looks like there were kids that live here before. well yes, you are right they did at one time they had people live her. what happens to them well they also had another home so they went back to it and this place was

there safe place and they gave it to us to take care of and when we move back home we will pass this place to someone else. and ask them to do the same. so they had the monster to back then. I'm not gone to lie to you but yes they did. 

where do they come from? baby, I don't know because no one ever said it happen before and we now only found out from a diary that we found in here that sometimes of the eclipse, but not all the time but only some that they would come out so I really don't know I'm sorry oh its ok.

because now we know of this is a special place and when an eclipse come just come here and stay and wait to see if its safe. that's right this is the special place but we can't tell everyone ok and we will alway keep it up with food and other stuff we will need.

even if were staying here are not ok. yes, I promise .you are so smart your family done very well with you. thank you and Christen. yes. I'm sorry about you and your friend I'm sorry but we heard what was going on. oh, baby, I'm so sorry about that.

don't be because I heard what she has done to us and I don't blame you just sad that you had a friend that was like that. me to baby now come on its getting late did you have enough to eat. oh yes, thank you. ok well its time to hit the sack

ok and if you need me my door will be open for you and your little brother ok yes christen as she hugged my neck and said thank you for coming and look for us I had tears in my eyes and said she was very welcome and I would keep looking for others that need our help  always.

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