" Part 6 "

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it's another hall with more rooms well let's go see then. hey, baby come see this. what is it? damn its a gun room look at all these guns in here and ammo to let us close it up, for now, hey guys look over here are more bedrooms. really Jeremiah

yes it is." ok thanks well we got down the hall at the end was a sealed off steel door where nothing can come in. well, baby, I guess that's a door to the outside and we will leave it just like it is I will just check it and see if it is still safe.

oh yeah, its still strong come on let get back to the kitchen. we all sat down by the table to talk about what we were gone to do next. well I'm gone to go out right at dark and hide somewheres close to the door and see if anything will come out

I really don't like that idea at all for you to go out there by your self-let me go with you baby. know then I will be to worry about you getting hurt and I don't want anything to happen to you. yes and the same here I don't want anything to happen to you

and you need someone to watch your back for you. I will go with him I can't let him go by himself and I'm pretty good with a gun so yes I should go. thanks, Jeremiah." your welcome and because I'm ready for some payback to them

well I guess we need to get ready to go we need to change into some dark clothes that will blend in where we hide. paul we were about the same size I got some camo with me that you can use. ok cool, let us get dress and find us a spot out there real fast

christen you lock the door behind us you hear. yes, baby and I will sit by it waiting for yall to come back. where just gone to go for a little while and see and kinda get an idea about them which way they come from and such because we can't rush into this

because we don't know what it is so we gone to have to take it slow and learn their patterns. it is the safest way and Jeremiah please know shoot on sight because we don't want them to find us here ok and in due time we will get them I promise.

only shoot if only it is necessary ok. got ya ok let us go I locked the door behind them and I sat down worrying that they will be ok. hey Jeremiah look here is a good spot it will cover our whole body and we can see from it good well let us hide.

we got in the bushes and looked at my watch to see what time they come out are even if they do well I got the time now sit and wait. paul you hear that yes I do it sounds like flapping doesn't it yes it does so we looked up and there they were. and I looked at my watch it was about 6:30

what In the hell is that look how big they are where in the hell they come from. hey, Jeremiah, you got your phone take a picture of it, please. ok sure will. make sure flash is off. ok, how many are there man it looks like dozens of them? how in the world we can fight that

I don't know but we have to find a way somehow shh one of them was looking our way. what the hell can they hear us from that far? I don't know but it looks like its coming our way. come on let get inside fast. open the door quick, please. I hurry and open the door they ran inside

and hurried up and locked the door behind them. paul you think it has seen us I hope not shh let us just listen for a few so we did there was a button that went outside to listen so we hit the button oh my what is that horrible sound. its one of them

oh know you think they know we are here I don't know but I think it heard us when we were in the bushes and it was far away at that so they have great hearing don't know about there eye sight hope and pray they didn't see us because we don't

need them coming here and pick up our scent. oh, I hope not christen yeah Jeremiah took a picture of it and its nothing pretty do you want to see it I don't know if I'm ready yet. ok baby just had to ask you. I know baby come on let's go to the kitchen, please

so we went sit down at the table. hey, where is Lizzy she went to clean her room. damn, I forgot I still have to clean ours. don't worry about that right now baby I will help you later with it ok. thanks, baby. hey yall look at this I found it in one of my draws

in my room looks like some kind of dairy are something. let us see,  wow it goes back to the 50's what do it say on the night of October 11th, 1950 our lives had changed it was the night of the eclipse the sky looked weird and there was a bad smell 

in the air when night time has hit these things came out I guess about a dozen of them but think god we have seen them on time with some friends. they were killing people on the streets is was so horrible we all ran inside and we got our guns

they were very big and we prayed our guns would work on them we went back outside at first didn't think the gun was working just pissed them off till my husband shot one in the head and took it down so we yelled to our friends to shoot them

in the head, it will take them down it felt like hours we where out there giveing them all we got after hours has passed we took down like 2 dozen of them and we waited but know more has come thank god so the next day all of us got together and talked

about what if this happens again to us and they might be more and we might not be as lucky as we were tonight so my husband and I and our friends found this spot then my husband and the guys build this big tank big enough to make rooms and a kitchen and a weapon room

with lights and the big steel door and they buried it here with only the door showing and me and the ladies planted big flower trees and flowers everywhere around here so it could not be found by those beasts if they ever came back when we were done

we loaded up the weapon room with all kinds of guns and ammo food and water about every thing we can think of and we was scared so we packed up all our belonging from our houses and we all came here to live where it was safe to sleep at night.

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