Chapter 5

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Ally's P.O.V

"Austin,thanks again for watching the store for me while I'm on my date. And remember there's no eating in the store."

I chuckle softly.

"Alright Ally,have fun. Dez and I'll be here the whole time."

"Yup. Austin and I are going to have a blast instrument fishing," said the ginger,coming up from behind the counter,placing two large fishing nets on the counter. In the process,he accidentally knocked over my book.

"Don't touch my book!" I shouted at him. We all know how overprotective I am over that leather-bound book. While picking it up, I heard Austin laugh under his breath. I shot him a look. He threw his hands up in the air as a sign of defeat.

"Okay okay. We get it."

"No touchie that bookie"

"Seriously? How dorky can you get?"

I roll my eyes at him.

"Hey Ally! Ready to go?" asked Dallas while coming into the store.

"Yeah sure lets go. Bye guys" I said waving them goodbye. Austin looked kinda sad watching me go while Dez was too busy trying to untangle the two nets. I don't even know how they got tangled in the first place.

"Okay Ally," Dallas asked,"What movie do you want to watch?"

"Um....I'm fine with anything."

"Okay let's watch a horror movie"

I cringed. I absolutely hate horror movies. They are so predictable. The monster comes,scare the people blah blah blah. If Austin was here, he'd laugh at Dallas,knowing that I hate horror movies.

We got some popcorn. While I was lining up for the popcorn,I thought I saw Austin hiding behind a potted plant. I pushed that thought to the back of my head before entering the movie theatre.

Austin's P.O.V

Okay I know that i shouldn't be doing this,but this is Ally we're talking about,my best friend. I just don't want her heart being broken by Dallas. I wonder what she sees in him.

Anyway, I had followed Dallas and Ally into the movie theatre,just to make sure Dallas didn't try to do anything funny. I laughed at the movie choice he made, Ally hates horror movies. They sat at the front while I sat a few rows behind them so that I can get a good view of them.

Halfway through the movie, Dallas did that cliché yawn and placed his arms around Ally. I could feel my blood boiling. That should be me.....wait what??? No Austin,you can't fall in love with Ally! It could ruin everything!!

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore a and ran out of the theatre. When I walked into the store, I saw Dez on the stairs with a giant net.

"Hey buddy, wanna help me fish for instruments?"

"No thanks Dez."

Dez eyed me suspiciously. "Aaahhh, I know what's going on, you're in love with Ally and you're just jealous that she's going out with Dallas instead of you."

I stated at Dez in disbelief. How could he have actually read everything off my mind.

"Hah, I knew it! Austin Moon is jealous,Austin Moon is jealous" he sang.

"Shut up Dez"

"Don't worry, I can help. That's why I'm called The Love Whisperer." He said the last part in a low whisper.

"Again for the thousandth time, nobody calls you that," like Dez, I whispered that last part.

"Anyways, I have a brilliant plan on how to get you together with Ally but first I'll need Trish...."



*sighs* I love writing drama. What is Dez's brilliant plan and what does Trish have to do with this? Stay tuned for the next chapter. I'll try to update soon but I have tests coming up

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