Chapter 3

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He hung up the phone and threw it onto my bed so it bounced softly a few times before resting on my lilac duvet.

"Why? What's happened?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him.

He turns around to face me looking suspiciously nervous. He rocks back and forth on his heels and stretches his arms awkwardly. "Well..."

I raised an eyebrow and rested my hands on my hips. "That bad?" I ask.

"Define bad." He says, dragging the words out.

"Stiles..." I warn him and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, I'll tell you, I'll tell you." I give him a look to say 'I'm waiting...'

He opened his mouth to speak only to be interrupted by three harsh knocks on the door.

Stiles sighed in relief and I point my finger at him. "This isn't over..."

He shrugs innocently so I roll my eyes and pushed passed him to the door.

I can see four blurred shadows behind the opaque class but I can't make out who it is. I unlock the door to find Scott, the ginger girl from class earlier, a dark haired girl with pale skin and a boy with tousled, black hair and a cheeky expression.

"Uh.. Hi." I say shyly waving.

"Hey Annabelle" Scott smiled adorably and the rest followed suit.

"Come in!" I exclaim and lead them into the living room where Stiles is perched on the leather couch.

He looks up upon our arrival and stands up walking to Scott and stopping. "So what happened again?" Stiles asked slowly.

Scott sighs. "Isaac and Derek found Boyd." He starts.

"What about Erica?" Stiles asks smiling happily. Who wouldn't be? To find your long lost friends who have been missing for far too long.

Scott gulps and everyone looks down.

"What? What is it?" Stiles interjects.

"Look Stiles..." Scott says carefully resting his hand on Stiles shoulder and then stops as if he can't bare to say it.

"She's dead." The black haired girl says softly.

I watch as the smile drops from Stiles face, he looks to Scott.


Scott just nods and Stiles takes a few steps back and collects himself before gulping and looking up. "What else" he asks with a horse voice whilst my heart swells for him. I feel out of place as if I'm intruding on a private moment not meant for my eyes.

They all share a solemn look before the Raven haired boy speaks.

"The Alpha Pack, they're coming." He says.

"For what?" Stiles questions.

"Not for what... Who." The ginger girl answers. "They want Derek."

"So why are you all so worried? They can take him!" Stiles shouts happily.

I get the feeling he doesn't like that guy...

"They want him to be in their pack but to be in their pack..." Scott starts.

"He's got to kill his own."

"Oh." Stiles scrunches up his nose. He rubs his temples and then stands straight.

"Oh and Derek found Cora along with Boyd." The dark haired boy adds.

"Who's Cora?"

"Derek's sister."

Moving here Meeting him. (Stiles Stilinski/Dylan O'Brien) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now