Chapter 5

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I can hear a weird mix of whispers mingling around me as I awaken from who knows what.

My head aches and my neck feels stiff like my entire head is too heavy for my shoulders and is about to roll off.

I sit up dizzily, my hands touching a cold surface. Gravel...

A few grains rest in my palm and I dust my hands so they land back on to the floor.

That horrible noise continues to be a nuisance as I get to my feet. As always, it's pitch black.

I panic about what I'd see this time, the black hooded figure, the tree, the corpse.

The whispers get louder until I can grandly take it anymore, they seem to seep into my ear drums. I clench my jaw and cover my ears in an attempt to mask the noise but it fails.

I moan quietly as it reaches a horrible pitch and it all starts to get closer and everything is in fast motion, I can hardly gather what's happening. But whatever it is, is getting nearer.

Just as it hits hard enough to hurt me and I wait for it to happen with a tense posture there's a click.

The noise ceases and I'm left in silence with my eyes closed and my hands muffing my ears. I wait a few seconds tensely before opening my eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Stiles stands at the doorway that I never even knew was there. He looks at me concerned and I remove my hands from my head and stand up straight, nodding.

"U-um, y-yeah. Yeah, I'm okay I t-think." I look around to see I'm in my bedroom.

I look to Stiles again and run my hand through my hair. "W-what... What happened?" I ask nervously.

He squints at me. "Well... You fainted remember? Then everybody, Scott, Allison, Lydia... I made them leave and I brought you up here and then came back to find you like this." He explains, gesturing with his hands.

So, I was never at the hospital.

I never had a nightmare in a hospital.

The nurse and the patient girl never existed.

I never saw the black blood coming out of my scar.

I never fainted against the door.

But I was asleep in the hospital and I woke up.

I had a dream within a dream?

"S-Stiles I don't know what's r-real anymore.." I tremble and drop, catching myself on my bed.

I grip the covers and Stiles rushes towards me. "Woah, are you okay?" He holds my frame gently but firm.

I hug him with every emotion I have. "This is all wrong."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He says.

"Everything that's happened..." I wonder out loud. How much of it was real?

"What, what's happened?" He questions. I pull away from the hug and look around and at him carefully. Everything's normal, but I can't put my finger on it. Something's just not right. I know it.


He holds my hand and I imagine it'll bring me comfort but it doesn't. His palm is cold and discomforting in mine. Stiles doesn't usually make me feel that way.

"It'll be okay Belle." He whispers.

I close my eyes and nod, a tear running down my cheek and then I frown and stand up.

"What did you just say?" I ask carefully, my voice wavering.

"I just said that it will be okay. It will Belle." He says standing up and waking towards me.

I step back with everyone he take a forward.

"No." I say somewhat confident. Something clicks in my mind. Stiles... He doesn't call me Belle. "Y-you call me Anne." I say pointing my shaking finer at him accusingly.

He smiles softly with concern. "What are you talking about? Are you okay?" He walks towards me and I keep stepping back.

"You're not Stiles." I say. "You can't be."

He smiles again. Only this time it's a creepy, malicious smirk that sends those same spine chillingly sparks down me.

He stands straighter and his eyes roll until they go completely black. I cry out in panic and stumble back until I hit the wall and my back hits the light switch so everything turns dark. I'm trapped.

All I can see instead of Stiles is a windwhirl of black, it blows my hair out around me as I say latch myself onto the wall.

It halts to reveal a black hooded creature with it's head down so I can't see the face. I marches close to me and I know I'm not getting away.

My heart beats abruptly as I wait for my end.

But as it takes another step it falls down a hole and my bedroom rips in half and tears away leaving me in complete emptiness.

A white room is how I'd describe it. No windows or tables or anything, just white. Except for one door.

I watch it closely and the doorknob begins to rattle and vibrate, someones trying to get in.

Then it stops.

I don't even realise I'm stepping towards it and before I know it I'm a mere distance away.

I reach for the doorknob and open it in a quick, fast movement. No one is to be seen.

In front of me is a corridor, a white corridor. It has five doors, two on either side and one, the largest, at the end.

Knowing what I have to do, I take a deep breath an approach the first door.

I clasp the handle with my clammy hand and twist it. But it does not open.

I grit my teeth and try again, pulling and twisting and shoving but it just won't open.

I can feel the anger and frustration over come and I take a few steps back, stand tall, clench my jaw and then ram into the door.

I wait for the impact of the solid wood but it never comes as I slip right through the door like a ghost would.

The lights are off but I make out a string in front of me and pull it. The lights comes on and I'm not prepared for what I see.


sorry for the wait 😬

Anyway... What's behind the door 0_o

And the other four doors?

Wait a second. Lemme just take out my questionnaire.

Are you:

A) Struggling to understand what the fudge just happened?

B) Completely and utterly confused?

C) Wondering where on earth Annabelle is and what happened to Isaac saving her?

If all of the above: Don't worry, you're the same as everybody else.

If none of the above: what are you doing here?

Without further ado.

All will be reveal soon minions


All I can say is the next chappy will be about opening doors in more than one way and plenty of action with the gang (Scott, Allison, Lydia etcc.)

And yes... You will get some answers.

Maybe someone will die and maybe they won't.

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- Curly ox

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