Moving here Meeting him. (Stilesstilinski/DylanOBrien)

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New town. New day. New school.

Taking a deep breath I walked into the large glass doors that read 'Beacon Hills High'. The newly waxed floors revealed my nauseated expression. I retrieved my locker combination and timetable from the reception and walked into my first class, English.

The class looked more or less full but I kept my head down as I walked to the empty seat I spotted at the back of the classroom. I arranged my books neatly and set them on the desk and pulled out a notepad and pen. The teacher had not yet arrived and I was already nervous as it was.

I could feel lots of eyes focused on me, wondering who I was, where I came from and why...

I was used to it. I moved around a lot and this is just another time. I give it three months at best and I probably won't be here. So I just have to keep to myself and wait until then. I can do that, I've done it before after all.

"Hey pssst, New Girl!" A voice whispered from my right, I looked up to meet a pair of warm, bronze eyes.

"Umm yeah?" I reply shortly.

"What's your name." His voice was soft and calmed me in a strange way.

"Annabelle." The boy smiled dorkily.

"I'll call you Anne." He says. "I'm Stiles." He held out his hand and I hesitated before taking it into my own and shaking it firmly, it shot tingles through my arm, strange but nice.

All of a sudden there was a rippled beep throughout the classroom, followed by murmurs and the clicking of heels.

I left my phone at home so I just ignored it. The woman with the loud shoes was the teacher and she drivelled on about a text message and said something along the lines of her name was Miss Blake bla bla. I drowned her out, doodling on my notepad absentmindedly, my hand sort of just had a life of its own.

I was an avid artist, anytime I felt stressed or worried I'd just grab a great big white canvas, set it on my tattered easel, grab my trusty paintbrushes and paints and then just... Let go.

I just let every single emotion that I've held in out and spread them across the canvas and almost instantly, I'm better.

I'm still doodling when all of a sudden there was a big 'SPLAT' and gasps echoed around the room.

It startles me and I drop my pen, looking up and gaping at what had caused the violent noise.

On the window was a bird, a Raven. Blood tricking from it's lifeless body, it's feathers tainted with the Scarlett liquid and it's beak engulfed by it. The poor thing had flown straight into the glass.

How strange, it was almost as if it was on purpose. Nevertheless it was the shock and the class became silent, so silent I only just heard the boy, Stiles, whispering to the ginger girl besides him nervously. "Remember, one is an incident, two is a coincidence, three is a pattern." He says counting on his fingers, eyes wide, mouth agape.

What on earth did that mean? My question was answered as a flock of birds appeared in the blue sky, staining it black. A big dark blotch nearing with a high velocity, They were getting closer, and with more distance the bigger they got and more intimidating they were. I held my breath, anticipating them to just fly in another direction and that would be it. But they didn't. They were almost-


One by one they broke through the window, sending shards of glass throughout the classroom and causing chaos.

Everyone had ducked under desks but I was in a panic, frozen. I screamed as one big shard pierced my arm and the other, my stomach.

Colliding with the floor in pain, my heart beating fast, I try to stay awake, it becoming harder and my vision blurring. I blink and try to shout but nothing comes out of my mouth, I try to shout that I need help. That I was hurt. That I need to get out if here. That I might die. But I couldn't.

I was almost about to give away when I was pulled into warm arms and my hair was tucked my behind my ears, a soothing hand running up and down my arm. "Shhh, it's okay, don't worry. I promise I'll get you out of here." I gasped and focused on the voice instead of the shrieks of chaos around me.

I buried my head into the persons chest and inhaled the peppermint, axe and fabric softener they smelled of, it not taking away from the pain but calming me a tad.

But the pain worsened and I try to scream but again... Nothing. The sounds around me disappeared and were replaced with a high pitched beep, a side effect of the pain.

I just hoped and waited for it all to be over. Holding with all my might on the persons bicep, holding on for my life in fear.

A couple minutes later all I could hear was heavy panting, I looked up and almost screamed. Blood, glass, feathers, birds. It was a massacre and everyone looked just as frightened as me. People began getting up and the person who was holding me, didn't want to let me go. I looked up slowly and saw Stiles, he was looking at me concerned with those bronze, puppy dog eyes. "Are you okay?" He asks worried.

"N-no." I admitted, I had some serious injuries and I was in excruciating pain, tears falling from my eyes. "I-I've got to get o-out of her-re." I mumbled in weak pain. He nodded and lifted me up bridal style. A gesture I would have appreciated a lot more if I wasn't possibly dying.

"I'll get you out of here." He sounds sure. He marches out when I notice my notepad and my breath hitched when I saw the doodle I had drawn. It was a Raven, throat slit and glass spread around it.

Then I fainted.


Okay so that's my first chapter! Some of you guys may know me from Instagram and yeah new name and stuff.

I'm not just uploading all 20 chapters is posted on Instagram because I'm rewriting and editing a lot of it so it's worth reading from chapter 1 again because it'll be longer. (Longer than the chapter above which was a preveiw more than anything :)

Hope you enjoyed it! 2nd Chapter coming soon :)

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- Curly ox

Moving here Meeting him. (Stiles Stilinski/Dylan O'Brien) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now