Chapter 12

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Songs I listened to during writing:

• Say Something - Big World & Christina

• Let her go - Passenger

•Let her go - Indina Menzel

• Sunshine & City Lights - Greyson Chance

•California Sky - Greyson chance


"They're not. Whatever it is... we can fix it." He begs. I shake my head sadly at him and turn away, walking away.

"You can't cure me. You can't fix what's been broken."

He grabs my wrist to stop me.

"Please." He tries, his voice weak.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. He shakes his head in disbelief and I know he's about to stop me, I can't let that happen. "Bye Stiles." I pull my hand away, running away with my newly obtained 'super' speed. The last thing I saw being Stiles hunched, tears rolling down his cheeks as he begged me to stay.

Confused? Let me take you back 24 hours.


"His name... Is Boyd."

"Boyd?" I repeat, flicking my hair out of my face.

Stiles face registers with shock at Isaacs words and I wonder who this guy actually is.

When Isaac doesn't reply to my aforementioned dialogue I hesitate before speaking. "Can- can I see him? Talk to him?" I ask.

Isaac nods almost immediately whereas Stiles expression tells me he doesn't think it's a good idea. "Sure you can, but not today." I give him a questioning look and he adds. "We've got to do something..."

"Who's we?" Stiles asks before I get a chance.

"Me... Derek and Boyd." He replies, still looking as if he is hiding something.

I quirk an eyebrow at him and smirk knowing that he felt uncomfortable. "What is it you have to do?" I ask slowly.

"What's with all the questions?" He replies. I sigh and leave him, knowing he's not going to reply with a straightforward answer.

Instead I ask. "If it was something I needed to know, you'd tell me right?."

He nods. "Yeah." He smiles. "Yeah of course." Then turns with the words. "But this is something you don't need to know."

Why did I feel like I did need to know?

Before I could say anything else Isaac takes the opportunity before either of us, me and Stiles, could object. Surreptitious boy.

"I don't like this." Stiles mutters and I nod and sigh.

"Neither do I." He chuckles. "So what now?"

"How'd ya mean?"

"Well, I just... I'm supposed to be doing something right? I can't just here like nothing happening because something is..."

"Are you okay? Looks like something's troubling you."

I roll my eyes at him.

"Okay, obviously the fact that your some supernatural thingy troubles you but there's something more."

And Stiles is right, there is something more fiddling with the back of my mind. I know what it is but I will not tell Stiles.

It's Scott, he's an alpha and I don't even know if he knows or how it's possible. But I'm going to tell him, I just haven't figured out how yet...

Moving here Meeting him. (Stiles Stilinski/Dylan O'Brien) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now