Chapter 2

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I open my eyes only to discover black dots clouding my vision and a temporary dizziness.

I frown and blink a few times and they begin to clear revealing a deep, golden brown. They were a pair of beautiful eyes solely focused on me.

"Hey, your awake." It was Stiles, he was leaning over me, his face and lips only inches from mine. I could feel his breath fanning my skin. I nodded, too overwhelmed to speak and he grinned. "Good!"

I smiled back at him and tried to get up, only to be greeted with pain. His smile dissolved into panic and he quickly supported my back, lowering me back down. "No, it's okay. Don't got up Kay? You're hurt." I nodded with a grimace of pain.

It was only as I attempted to get up I realised I was laying down on a cold flat surface, much like a bed sized table.

I groaned. "Mmmnn where am I?" I asked.

"You're in the nurses office." I noticed he still hadn't let go of me, his hard but not muscly arms wrapped around me, making me feel all warm and gooey within.

I blush "You can let go of me now." I reminded him and he instantly realised me, smiling sheepishly.


"It's okay." I assure him.

My left arm and stomach had a dull aching but I could no longer feel the sharp pain. I think the nurse might have give me painkillers. Bless that woman.

"Thanks, you didn't have to do this." I admitted shyly.

"I did." He said seriously. His fingers softly slid over the bandage on my arm, sending shivers up my spine.

I surveyed him and the past events, recalling his conversation with the ginger girl before the disastrous event.

"You know what happened don't you?" I ask nervously.

"What?! No.. I mean. Pfft, what?" He lies and I smirk in return, raising an eyebrow in an expression that read 'Is that so?'.

"I heard you talking to the girl next to you. You know, one is an incident, two is a coincidence, three is a-" he slapped a hand over my mouth, eyes wide.

"Ok! Yes, I know. Shh, you've got to keep quiet." I nodded and he removed his hand and we both kind of just stated at each other with wide eyes in complete silence and broke out into laughter for no reason at all but it made me feel good.

Then I remember my doodle on the notepad in class and feel a heavy weight on my chest.

"Hey stiles?" I look down,finding an interest in my fingers.


"When we were in class, I drew.. I saw.. I know." I stammered twiddling my thumbs, he caresses my cheek, looking into my eyes with concern.

"What is it Anne? You can tell me." I nod and begin to tell him. He listens carefully and I wait for his reaction.

"Well this is bad!" He remarks. I cry a little, in pain, confusion, suspicion and many overwhelming emotions. This was not what I was expecting on my first day of school.

"Hey, hey... Don't cry." He whispered wiping away my tears. "It's ok, it'll be ok. We'll work this out. I don't know how exactly right now.." He jokes and I giggle through my tears.

"See! It wasn't so hard to smile. You should always smile, you have such a beautiful one." I blush and look down, mumbling a thanks.

He holds my face in his palms and tilts it up gently, his intense gaze never leaving mine. "I'm serious... you're beautiful." His gaze drops to my lips and he licks his own, wetting the soft red. Lust suddenly clouding his eyes and I imagine they clouded mine too. Without noticing we were moving closer and closer...

Moving here Meeting him. (Stiles Stilinski/Dylan O'Brien) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now