Chapter 13

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•Stiles P.O.V•

I stand there silently, in shock, not giving a single shit about the rain.

She's gone.

I blink a few times and call after her, the rain drowning out my hoarse voice screaming into the void as if, if I screamed loud enough she'd hear me and return but it's too late, she's already gone.

I feel useless, so damn stupid.

What if I never see her again now?

Why do I care so much, and why does she have this affect on me?

The way that any conversation we have replays through my head relentlessly, they way that I think of what I can say to make her laugh because her laugh and smile each time is a precious thing to experience. Even more is those lips on mine, filling every inch of my body with fire.

So many questions yet no answers... Well except for one.

She has visions?

She knew that Boyd was to die, but she couldn't help it. Her naivety however has convinced her that it was her fault.

Without a second though I grab my phone and dial the number, my fingers punching in the digits with extreme speed.

I wait impatiently, tapping my leg into the white and blacked tiled floor, chipped from the countless time me and Scott had played a lacrosse inside, one time we had smashed the window, my dad pretended to arrest us and scared us shitless, being sheriff has it's perks alright, then the phone picked up. "Scott, hey. I need your help."

•Annabelle's P.O.V•

All I see is a terrifying blur as I run away, the side effects of my bite finally yet all too soon kicking in.

It felt as though I was in the hunger games, you wait all your life to be picked and for your paper slip to be drawn from the glass bowl by bright wigged Effie Trinket and yet the moment it is you're standing with a bow and arrow and asked to kill those who were waiting along side you.

Although unfair, it is reality. Those whom fear reality, fear life and those who fear life, waste it.

I will not waste mine by burrowing myself in guilt from letting those I love and care about be hurt by my actions, I will not face those consequences because I know it would ruin me forever.

I had never known Boyd, not properly. He was merely a figment of my imagination, a character of sorts... Or so I thought. The moment I saw him de ja vu hit me like a railway train except it was his entrails bleeding on the floor.

Like any other decent human I felt guilt, sorrow, idiocy, more.. Much, much more. If he had been someone I held dear that pain would have been significantly more unbearable, I'm too weak to face that.

At least it all makes sense now, the super strength that opened the door and the speed I was running with right now.

I was surely morphing into some grotesque, vile creature.

But which?

I couldn't bear to think about it as I sob heavily, growing faint from the run, blood making it's way to my head and drowning my thoughts in it's heinous path. I halt and fall to the muddy floor, bringing my knees to my chin and weeping into my palms until my skin was soaked.

I had nothing and no one and words can't describe my pain.

I'm still in a tizzy when I hear a twig snap. I gasp look up to see nothing but darkness in the trees around me.

A faint rustling follows and hold my hand to my mouth, failing to mask my shock. "S-Stiles? I-Is-aac? S-s-Scott? Is that you?"

No reply.

"Who's there?" I ask wearily, getting up off the ground and walking towards the noise.

I walk further and further into the darkness and fog and decide I wasn't going to find anyone. Reluctantly, I turn back and almost faint at the peculiar sight.

The trees they were all gone, every single one. All around me was a thick blanket of dark fog.

I see something far in front of me and squint. My vision clears slightly to reveal... ohmygod.

What is that? That creature? A black hooded thing, stood like a human but I knew it was not.

I blink and it's gone. But it had been, I could feel the presence still with me. Tensing up I peer around, knowing it could be anywhere and everywhere just waiting for me to let my guard down and then give me an almighty horror.

That's when I feel it.

Feel the breathing tickling my neck and my heart starts to pound.

Gasping I slowly twist my face around.


All of a sudden there is a hissing, silky sort of sound that sends shivers up my back like a chilly gust of wind on a hot, summers day. It hurts my ears and gets louder and higher and louder and higher and louder and higher until I just can't take it anymore.

I grunt in pain, falling to my knees and clasping my hands over my ears, closing my eyes hard to ease the pain. But no, it's excruciating.

Then through my bleary vision I see a smudge of black treading forward. Closer and closer until it stops in front if me.

Yet again I'm unable to do anything, because of the searing pain feeling it was jamming my brain with ice and melting it simultaneously whilst sticking a boiling flatiron down my throat.

It morphs into three black smudges and I wish my vision would clear up. They slowly start to walk around me and then speed up, surrounding me in a wind-whirl of black. The ground starts to shake and I'm stuck in the middle of some kind of tornado.

I scream as loud as I can and then I fall limp. Darkness.


Yeah sorry I haven't uploaded for ages but I got.. busy?

Anyway. Enjoy! I'll update again soon I promise!! <3

Vote and Comment <3

- Curly xx

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