Private School Kid | P. Hamilton

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Okay this is a Philip x reader is requested by GravityWillFall01 and I hope you all enjoy it GravityWillFall01 and of course you guys too,

Y/n's POV~

I'm heading to the pool with my best friend Theodorsia, she said that this other boy name Philip, is coming too. I'm not worried because a friend of Theo is a friend of mine. As we enter the pool area and I ask Theo about this "Philip" character

"Theo, tell how Philip is like."

"Well he's cute, in my opinion he's like the brother I never had, but he goes to private school, there has been some talk about him dating and shattering the hearts of them on average of three weeks per girlfriend."

Woah, this boy seems heartless and a flirt. Oh well he's not going to get to date me, even if he's caring, sweet, and handsome it won't matter, I don't want to date a player.

Theo and I enter the stalls to take off our clothes (you have bathing suit underneath) we exit the the stalls I see Theo in a orange two piece and me in my favorite F/c one piece/two piece (you can chose which one)

"Boy, Y/n you look pretty."

"Psh, not as pretty as you."

"Stop it."

"No you stop."

"No Theo your friend in F/c is pretty, not you." Said an adorable boy around our age with freckles said,

"Why are you blushing? It's true." Wait I was blushing? But he's so cute...WoAH Y/n slow down you meet the guy just five minutes ago, Theo broke the silence.

"How about we start swimming, isn't that the reason we came here."

"Yeah, Theo that's true let me just take my shirt off." I gagged at what he said, I don't know why I mean I've seen a bajillion guys shirtless, but the way he said it, just, I don't know, then I decided to maybe get something so I can think of a plan.

"Theo I'm going to the water fountain."

"Okay whatever, PHILIP WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?!?" Theo yelled as she made her way to Philip.

I walk to the fountain, okay Y/n what to do, should I play his little "game" that he plays probably all the time with naive girls? 'Cause he's not going to get this! I motion myself in my head, but once I turn my head I realized I wasn't alone, Philip was just inches away from my face

"Hey beautiful~"

"AHHHHHHH." I screamed all the way till I hit the shallow end with all the five year olds, and I walked back to where I left Theo last.

Philip's POV~

Dang. She's so pretty, I mean I've seen a million pretty girls, but just you wait, just you wait(in the tune of Alexander Hamilton) till you see Y/n, she also so nice, but she's giving me the cold shoulder, she's brushing me off, and this has never happened to me before. Ah Ha! Maybe I can do something to prove that I truly do like her and care about her. I need Theo for this, so I walk to Theo so we can do my diabolical plan.

"Hey Thee-Thee."

"You don't call me that unless you need something, what do you want?"

"Um, uh um." I scratch the back of my head

"Is this something to do with Y/n?"

"Um...YES! How did you know, Ohh you know me so well!" I then hug her but she punches me on the shoulder.

"Hey! I don't want people to think I'm friends with an idiot."

"What? Never mind can you do something to make Y/n love me!" I say hopefully since this girl had always the answer for me

"Okay I'll try my best, hey I may have the answer to a lot of things, but I am not Cupid."

"I understand."

"By the way Philip, you own me." She walked all the* way to where Y/n was drying herself, and Theo somehow convinced Y/n to go to the twelve feet deep water, that Y/n had said she was scared to go that deep. 

Then something happened that honestly I would've killed Theo if she was in my grabbing range. She pushed Y/n into the pool!

OH MY GOSH! I need to save her I decide to get a running start and dive, I did so, I heard the other life guards blow their whistle and yelled at me not to dive, but I didn't care I dove to her. As quick as I could grabbed her arm, and I pulled her up from the water and I notice that she was unconscious. She needs CPR. Inches away from her mouth she stood up are lips ended up smashing together, and she quickly said

"Woah, woah ya should've checked if I was breathing before you smash your lips on someone you just meet like half an hour ago."

"What the heck?" Then Theo answered my question

"Y/n had full consent, I didn't just push her in the pool, I told her what you told me and she likes you back, and she willingly let me push her so you could "save her"." I turned back to face Y/n and I noticed that she was redder than (insert something red)

"Theo!!! I told you not to tell him!!!"

Okay this is where I'll leave this story off GravityWillFall01 I hope you enjoy this, and thank you for reading my oneshot, and please if ur into reading Lafayette x OC fanfics I have one, and again PLEASE REQUEST

Bai my dreamers 💫


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