Private School Kid (part 3) | P. Hamilton

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Sorry little a/n, but this takes place about a year later from the previous two parts of the Philip x Reader, and also if y'all interested in reading Lafayette x OC I have two, a modern college AU and a Hamilton, somewhat historical correct, I mean just the stuff not the people, anyway, hope you enjoy ; )

Y/n's POV~

It about nine at night and I'm just on my laptop watching my favorite youtuber, till I heard a tapping in my window. That must be Philip. I quickly go into my bathroom and change into a comfy pair of sweatshirt and sweatpants. I slowly open the window so my parents don't hear me.

"Philip? Are you out there? Philip your scaring me." I shriek a little on the last sentence.

"Shhh...I'm your worst nightmare..." I hear a deep, dark voice and before I could react I feel a pair of hands over my mouth. Wait. I know who this is. I then lick their hand to prove it.

"Y/n! Eww you need to stop doing that!" Philip groaned as he let go of me.

"Then stop throwing rocks at my window and pretending to kidnap me!" I testify, crossing my arms sassily.

"Fair enough." He admits, Rolling his eyes playfully.

"Eww, you said that last time, and look now, you did it again and we can shake on it, but our way." We then "shook" which means that Philip and I out to legit shake ourselves, and we laugh.

"Y/n come with me."

"Why should." I then crossed my arms in a sassy way

"Then I'll have to kidnap you." Philip then lifted me up bridal style and started to run.


"I'm about to change your life."

"By all means lead the way." I then relaxed as Philip carried me toward the park.

"Y/n I should do this more often, your barely anything to carry." after about five minutes of being carried we reached the park.

"Hey come here." He pulls my arm to the bathrooms.


"Here watch me." He then stuck his foot on the brick that stuck out of the building which made make shift steps of a "ladder" and climbed on top of the bathrooms, and climbed back down.

"Do you think you can do this? Or do you need a boost?"

"I actually I think I don't need help-"

"You need a boost."

"No I don't-"

"Yes you do I need to make this as romantic as possible here put your foot on my hands and try to sorta jump, but not actually jump otherwise you'll break my hand."

"Yeah, yeah, I know how to receive a boost." So then I stepped on Philip's hands, but I could've reached, but I never liked to argue with him, and I used the bricks as steps and I reached the cheap tin roof, and Philip was right after me.

"Y/n be careful, the tin's sharp." Then he reached the top he sat down next to me.

"What comes next?" I asked Philip.

"Anything you and I can agree to do." He then gave a look that just, that creeped me out like the first time we meet, then I he started to put his arm around me like he was to topple over me.

"Here! We could light up some fireworks, from here and if some person calls the cops, they won't be able to see us."

"What if they did somehow in the worst case scenario, what happens next." Then he gave me a look.

"Y/n, you know who my father is, and he will pay for your court fees."

"Why would you say that? I'm not his daughter."

"You'll be his- Never mind."

"Okay, let's just risk Philip if you say your plan is fool proof." I sarcastically say as I light up a firework.

"See that's why I'm still dating you, you always have faith in me." He then wrapped his arms around me.

"Is that the only reason?!?!" I fake pout.

"No, of course not, why do think I brought you over to ask you something"

"What?" I ask him again sarcastically, as I start to light a firework up, I threw it and it didn't light till Philip started to say something.

"Y/n marry me." BOOM! there went the firework and my mind.

"!? Are you being serious? I mean-"

"You don't have to marry me, I can wait."

"Philip you are one of the most impatient person I've ever known and love, remember that one time you decided that the paint on the wall was drying too slow in my room that you got my hair dyer and started to blow dry it."

"Heh, yeah I remember...."


"Yes, what?"

"Yes I'll marry you, now take me home husband."

"Alright wife." He then stood up and picked me up bridal style,(heh, see what I did there) and we walked, well more like he carried me all the way home, and he was about to ring the doorbell while he was still carrying me.

"Philip, this is not the way I want my mother to see as like this when I saw that we are engaged."

"Alright I'll start home, bye wife." He kissed me on the cheek.

"Bye husband."(is this bad that when I tried to typed 'bye' I ended up spelling Nye) I ring the doorbell since my mom locks the doors, she answered that door.

"Y/n? What are you doing out only in sweats?"

"Mom, I'm engaged."

"Oh that's good."

"What? I thought you condemn me from Philip and me from speaking to each other, by locking me in my room."

"Philip, you can come in now, she knows." My mother speaks as Philip enters the house

"Hi Mrs. L/n, I told you to keep it a secret."

"To keep what a secret? Mom? Philip?"

"I did the exact same thing that you and Theo did when we first met, I asked your parents if I could marry you, they said be true."

"What does this have to do with the first time we meet?"

"I wasn't going to marry you with your parent's consent."


*cracks knuckles* there you go, 1055 word oneshot, and the end of the Philip x Reader parts, but I can always make more of oneshots alike if you guys would request!!! Please request, and I made a new story it's a modern college AU
Lafayette x MY OC, if you're into that stuff check it out!

Bai my dreamers 💫


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