A wounded arm for a broken shoulder (part 2) | M. De Lafayette

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Title: A wounded arm for a broken shoulder, pt. 2- Thank you
Requested by: doglover7778
Warnings: swearing
Length: 500-ish words, short
Author's note: okay so ⬆️ this person wanted a second part and I thought "psh, sure that'll be cool so here it is and the second update of the day!

It's been what seemed like ages since the war ended. America was finally independent, but you didn't have anything to do. Women your age are usually at home cleaning and having children. You didn't have anyone. Well you did but he's back to his home at France. Well that's how you've been doing, but you were low on food so you went to the market.

Walking and searching for food was somewhat difficult now since you cut connections with Britain, France was at war with Britain so they also were low on supplies. You looked at the squash when you felt some one looking at you. Probably some punk, thinking I'm defenseless—" You saw the man you thought you'd never see again. Lafayette.

"General!" You shouted as you hugged him. You pulled away realizing that people are staring.

"Ah, I thought I would never see you again."

"Me too, but this quite a shock for me... How are you?"

"I'm very good, how about you?"

"Oh, I'm good, just shopping!" You showed him your basket and laughed, and in return received an attractive chuckle from the Frenchman.

"Y/n," You melted at the way he said your name "maybe we could catch up on what has happened to us? Yes?"

   "That would be lovely, I could go for something to eat." On cue your stomach growled. You chuckles and walked with the Frenchman to a café, not to far from the market.

/////Le time skip\\\\\

   You laughed as he spoke about his recent adventures in France. You walked out of the café where you and the marquis bantered about has recently happened since the war ended. It was mainly him talking but you were just filled with euphoria. Head to toe. Then he stopped when you heard what you thought was pigs conversing.

   "Those damn young men that fought for no good reason. They thought they was going to be better without Great Britain, but we 'bout to the brink of starvation. We screwed up for good." Instead of the euphoria that once filled you, was know adrenaline rushing ready to prove them wrong.

   "Yeah! Those youngstas just wanted a reason to rebel since they're mumsies and papa slapped them on the rear and called them an ass(donkey)" That was it. These middle age men hit you below the belt with that one. "I wish my parents told me thought! Hell I'd want them to just say anything to me! I didn't get that chance because of those damn redcoats—" I felt an assuring hand on my shoulder.

"They don't know. They're only speaking blindly. They're too old to know something so young and new as freedom and democracy."

"I know. It's just how dare they bring up one's family like that, when redcoats caused such horrible things to many innocent people." He gleamed down at you (cuz you're short >~<)

"It's difficult to say why they think that, but it doesn't matter. You should only care for what you and other you care, think of you."

"Lafayette..." You look at him. "He is right, maybe this is what I needed to know from the beginning."

"Thank you." You wrapped your arms around him in a pure, simple hug.

"You're welcome."

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