Private School Kid (part 2) | P. Hamilton

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Alright, alright @GravityWillFall01 and Daisy_thecat requested a part two for this, and if it's not so good you can blame those two, I'm kidding, so here you go~

'Oh my gosh, did he just kiss me? And I liked it? Well I can stop telling people I've never been kissed.' You thought as you looked at Philip who was also pretty red from the whole kissing thing happened. 'He ain't going to just be like "well off to private school to probably kiss girls that are prettier than you, bye~" he's going to be stuck with me! He's mine and only mine now! Unless he doesn't want to...but I hope he does!'

You walked over to him and sat down. He was busy drying his bouncy, bouncy curly hair with a white towel. He turned to you.

   "Hey, Philip..." You started as you rubbed your arm and looked down on your bare feet.


"Um...about the..."

"Kiss." We say in unison, and we laughed nervously.

"Um yeah what about it Y/n?" He asked, looking up at me with his beautiful eyes.

"Did you?..." you begin before once again you were connected by your thoughts.

"Mean it." Again we said in unison.

"Philip, we need to stop this." You said with a slight scowl on your face. Philip chuckled at your antics.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry..."

"So did you?"

"Did I what?"


"I'm kidding..."

"Yes what? yes I was kidding? Yes I meant..." then Philip kissed me softly on the lips, it felt like a bliss on my lips.

"Does that answer question." He smirks as your cheeks burned crimson.


"Is that all you can say?"


"Here, give me a pen." He says.

"I only have a sharpie, and why do you need a pen?" I ask as I rummaging through my bag.

"Doesn't matter, give me your arm."

"My arm?!? Why do you need it?" You questioned as you pull yourself away from Philip.

"Just give to me if you want be able to talk to me."

"Okay, fine." I then give him my arm, and I felt something cold pressed on my skin.

"What the heck are you writing on my arm?" Then I looked up to see Philip writing a series of numbers on my arm.

"This is my number, if you like to continue to see me, this how you'll find me."

"You won't dare be with other girls or women, when I'm not with you."

"I swear."

"Don't swear."

"Fine, I'll pinky promise you."

"Okay." Are pinky's were united in a promise.

Okay here it is part two, so if you didn't like this just remember what I said before I started this fanfic.(JK)

Bai my dreamers 💫


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