If You Wannabe My Lover, Gotta Get With My Little Bro | KGIII

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This was requested by infochan16 and I hope you guys enjoy it!

Y/n's POV~

I wave goodbye to the people of (home country) because I am to marry Prince George of England, we'll soon to be King George, so I am off to meet my new husband


I walk into the huge palace, where I apparently will have dinner with George and his family, not a big family, most of his siblings died in childhood (what I just wrote is historically incorrect, so don't write this on your report for King G) except for a brother named Fredrick, so not to many people to impress for me! Because I suck at impressing people. So I am due to meet with his royal highness, ha I need to get use to that, then my new lady-in -waiting Serena tugged at my sleeve

"Ma'am, be ready have your best manners before them."

"Don't worry Serena, but thank you for the notice." I open the doors to the dining room, and I see the royal family of four waiting to be served, I stand there.

"Hello, your majesty's I am quite happy that I am to join you in this lunch." I curtesy, and George, I assume stood up and pulled my chair out, and I sat down.

"Thank you George."

"Yeah, yeah." He mumbled and sat back in his chair. How rude of him. The servers came out and brought our appetizers, chips. I notice that they don't talk when eating, but notice that little Fredrick had a toy pull horse. I had one just like it,

"Hey, I like your horse." Everyone looked at me with that death glare. Well now I'm a disappointed with my family before I officially join, but Fredrick was not finished

"It's a pony. If you were smart enough, you would've know the difference... What did I expect, your from (home country)." I let it slip, but I wouldn't for anyone else, but the family seem to enjoy me being humiliated. Why are they so cruel?!?!


It was night, and apparently a royal tradition is that the bride to be (me!) and the groom (George) are suppose to sleep in the same room, but thank God in different beds. I walk into the room in my night gown, and of course he was in bed, snoring, softly, kinda like a puppy, but yeah I'm get way ahead myself, anyway I grab my reach into my bag for (favorite book) and I put my lamp on a low light so I can barely read, and I hear the door creak up and I see a sleepy, Fredrick walk to his brother side and begged

"Georgie! Pleeeassse help me get the ball in the cup."

"Tomorrow, just wait."

"But, Georgggggeeeeeeee I want to know nooooooowwwwwwwww!!!!!!" He whined, and I then realized why he was whine George's ear off, he wanted to figure out how to get the ball in the cup. So I walk over to the two of them and I asked

"Need some help?"

"Not from a girl!" He spat out, I grabbed the toy and I got the ball in the cup and he had amazement in his eyes but was short lived when he said

"Beginners luck."

"Oh really, now." You did the same thing three more times, and Fredrick's mouth was wide opened like magic had just happened before his very eyes.

"WOAH! Teach me how to do that!!" He shouts

"Not now squirt, it's mine and your bed time." I ruffle his hair and he lets me,

"Okay, but tomorrow you'll show me."

"I swear, and I never brake a promise." He squeals and runs out the room and George looks at me.

George's POV~

I was in my bed trying to ignore that (nationality), that girl doesn't know a thing or two about being royal, but apparently she is. She opens the door to sleep in my room. Thank God, not in the same bed, then Fredrick ran into my room.

"Georgie! Pleeeassse help me get the ball in the cup."

Tomorrow, just wait." I roll to my side to tell I'm not interested.

"But, Georgggggeeeeeeee I want to know nooooooowwwwwwwww!!!!!!" He whined, I decided to just ignore him till he leaves. Hmmm.. I wonder if that'll work with Y/n too, so I try to ignore him till I see Y/n walk over to us and say

"Need some help?"

"Not from a girl!" He spat out, then
Y/n grabs the toy from him and made the ball into the cup,

"Beginners luck." He again spat at her

"Oh really, now." She had a cocky look in her face and showed him that it wasn't just beginners luck, but skill. Fredrick mouth goes wide,

"WOAH! Teach me how to do that!!" He shouts

"Not now squirt, it's mine and your bed time." I ruffle his hair and he lets me,

"Okay, but tomorrow you'll show me."

"I swear, and I never brake a promise." He squeals and runs out the room, I look at her. I'm just thinking, how could she have that much patients, with a brat like that, and I have barely any with him and I lived with him since he was born, and she all of the suddens appears and they're friends. Maybe she is as good as Father said, a patient girl maybe is good for me. Now I know that my father was right.

Well I hope you like this, and thank you for reading my oneshots, and don't be shy, if you enjoy my oneshots, maybe I can make one just for you.

Bai my dreamers 💫


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