Jealous Much | D. Diggs

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This was requested by hamiltontrash72870 and yes I'm back and thanks you to all your support.

Daveed' POV~

I look at my long time girlfriend Y/n how she's laughing at some stupid inside joke that she and Lin have that I DON'T KNOW!!! I am regretting introducing Y/n  to Lin in the first place!!!

FLASHBACK~(Still in Daveed's POV)

Lin had come over to my house to ask me something, which is pretty odd since he's pretty open with the other guys, and he wants to see me alone. Well, I'm actually not alone I'm with my girlfriend Y/n and she's cooking dinner (If you're one of those people that cook like England *COUGH* burns cereal *COUGH* like me, just go with the story) for the three of us, but she hasn't met Lin yet. I hear the doorbell ring and I open the door to see Lin.

"Daveed, what's up." He says in a chill matter that still worries me about what he wanted to talk to me about.

"Nothing much, just here with my girlfriend." I yell for her and she runs over still in her apron.

"Hi! You must be Daveed's friend, I'm Y/n nice to meet you!" She outstretched her hand to shake hands with Lin.

"Well nice to meet you, I'm Lin Manuel Miranda."


"Yes I did, you must really enjoy In The Heights." Lin chuckles as he sees my fangirling girlfriend literally dying if seeing Lin, and then she began singing

"Nooo! No-no nooo no-no-no! Nooo, no-no-no-no-no-no-no! And I got the security deposit is locked in a box in the bottom of my closet it's not reflected in my bank statement but I've been saving to make a down payment and pay the rent no, no I won't let you down-" Wow, I didn't know she could sing that well. Nor did Lin.

"Oh, my God, you just nailed the part. I've been looking for someone to be Eliza in the new musical I'm doing right now, and I think that's you're perfect for the part. What ya say?"

"Oh my goodness! I would gladly perform with you and my amazing boyfriend!" She said as she hugged me tightly and rushed over to Lin to hug him.

"Thank you so much for the opportunity!"

"You're welcome, but it was my pleasure to meet you!" Lin said as he gave his goofy smile to Y/n and I.


I come out of my trans and get to my dressing room I share with Y/n. I open the door to see her looking beautiful in Eliza's gown.

"You're looking at me funny. Do I look okay? Too small, too big, too squished-" I place my hand on her shoulder.

"Y/n, y/n, ya look fine Hun- OHMYGODISOUNDLIKETHOMASJEFFERSON!" I say as I had talked like my act two character. She laughed.

"Well thanks!" She kissed my cheek and went on stage. I put on my act one costume and I go on stage ready for the music to begin.


I was walking away from my spot 1780 Winters ball and I see Y/n KOUGH! I mean Eliza, getting ready for Helpless. She looked beautiful, and absolutely glowing. She's doing a good job at her parts, it's so Realistic. Why doesn't she act like that to me? I'm her boyfriend, not Lin. I watch her attentively as she does her parts flawlessly, and before I knew it. It was already intermission. I walk off stage and I see her eating cookies. I pull her by her arm and she coughs.

"My cookie! No let me finish!"

"Y/n, I need to talk to you." I continue to pull her.

"If it's so urgent, can't you just say it now." She pulls away from my grasp and crosses her arms around her chest.

"We can't talk her, let's go to our dressing room." I pull her arm and she still takes her cookie. I gave up and let her eat it on the way. We make it to the dressing room and I close the door shut.

"So, what do you have to say D." She asked.

"It's just you do so well on stage."

"Really?!? Is that all you had to say and you couldn't say it out there?!?"

"No, Y/n." I grab both of her arms, and I move her head so she looks me straight in the face.

"What I'm saying is that you did the part so well... With Lin, I'm starting to believe that you guys like each other."

"Daveed, of course we like each other. It's for our parts and Lin has been my hero since he was Unsavi. Daveed don't you ever wonder how I do does parts so well?" I was confused, I mean I assumed that she did does parts so well because she liked him like that.

"I think of you, as Lin. I imagine how it be like to have you as a husband, and I make myself think that he's you, but I know he's not. Oh my goodness intermission is about to end, so you better get your fabulous bum in that magenta suit." I look at her as she just spilled how she did it so well, but I remember that intermission is about to end.

"Oh, I do! Y/n leave so I can get ready."

"Okay, but are you sure you don't want me to stay-"

"Well on second thought.."

"Nope, nope I was just joking, I didn't mean it D!" She runs out of the dressing room with her hands up and a red face.


I watch behind the curtains as Y/n pounds the nails on the coffin doing Burn.

"You built cathedrals...You, you, you." After the line she turned my way and flashed me a smile. I flash her a smile that will never be as beautiful as her's. As I wait for me number, I daydream of what she said.

WOAH! I just finished! Thank you for reading, and you may request at anytime, unless I put on the title "request are close" but that's not for a while, again thank you.

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