a million things i haven't done

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January 30 2017
Dear Bailey,
I'm still getting used to the idea of writing in a journal. Sorry. 
I went shopping with Lin today and I had a lot of fun. I really like clothes I always have. It's not a materialistic thing it's just calming. I want to make my own clothes, I might start designing stuff and maybe just not tell Lin. I deserve to have some things to myself.
Especially because I told him about Ryan today. I've told people about Ryan before, I didn't mind talking about Ryan. But I told him about Connor. I didn't have to but I did. 
Lin got me a phone today. I don't know what that has to do with anything. My thoughts are really choppy today.
So far I've thought of 1 shirt design, just based off of stuff I say and hear. So it's like a coral a pink coral not a orange coral, and it says in black, comic sans because obviously who do you think you're working with here, "Shout-out To Me Because I'm Lit." The shirt is like a plain t-shirt but it's long so you can wear it with leggings without getting dress coded.
I want to make a beanie, it will probably be simpler though, like plain black then in probably like some aesthetically pleasing pastel color it will say y'all because I say that when I'm joking around. I should probably just like put outfits together with clothes I have though before I make my own. I just realized today how much fun clothes are though. I don't know I'm just a mess today.
Lin told me today that He and Vanessa signed me up for gymnastics. I start tomorrow I'm really excited. I got a plain black Leo and grips. I don't know but I don't really want to work with other people I like working by myself. I'm most excited for bars, bars are my favorite. Vault is my least favorite I suck at it. The most I can do is a roundoff back handspring and everyone is always ahead of me. My only problem is I get rips really easy and forgot to get wrap at Walmart. I mean grips should help stop to but the reason I get rips is I go too fast on the bars and so I do it a lot and going fast over and over again is not good for you.
I'm debating getting an elbow brace before tomorrow. I mean who knows if it will give out again, I hate having surgery it's so annoying. 
I'm coming up with a list of things I'm excited for the future because I don't know, the concept that the future is 2 minutes and also 2 years is cool to me plus this is my journal so I can do what I want.
1. Working on my full at gym again.
2. Being adopted. 
3. Being back on bars.
4. Seeing Rylynn again.
5. Designing clothes
Since I did 5 things I'm excited for now I'm doing 5 things I'm not excited for.
1. Vault
2. The legal process of adoption.
3. Not being able to see Connor in the near future.
4. Having to tell Lin about the clothes.
5. Having less time at home because of gym
Today Sebastian asked me why I didn't call Lin dad. I told him I didn't know. It was half true, I was comfortable enough with Lin it's just I don't know why. I feel like it's not the right time.
Bye for now I guess,
Bailey West

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