look at where we are

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I woke up cuddled in Connors chest. I rolled over and checked the time, it was only 2:30. Apparently when Sebastian took a name everyone decided to.
"Bailey," Connor said, his voice raspy.
"Yeah." I took a breath and rolled over.
"You awake," He asked, and I shrugged.
"Obviously." I replied, as I silently laughed at Lin, who was curled up with Sebastian on the chair.
Connor stood up and stretched his arms out, "Do you want to go and eat?" He asked and I nodded. 
"Let me tell Lin first." I walked over and shook Lin's shoulder until he woke up. "Lin, Lin," I whispered until he woke up.
"What's up, is everyone okay?" He asked, standing up and putting a, still sleeping, Sebastian on the chair.
"Yeah, Connor and I are going to eat, we will be back in like an hour hour and a half? I don't know where we're going yet." I reply, shrugging.
"Yeah that's fine here." He reaches for his wallet and hands me three twenties.
"Thanks." I hugged Lin, "I need shoes and I jacket." I ran to my room quietly and slipped on white converse. Because the t shirt is blue and white so it makes sense. Then I put on a white sweatshirt. Don't know where it came from. Wearing it anyway. Actually there's a lot of things in my closet that I don't know where they came from. But it's okay, more outfits I can make. I walked back out to where Lin and Connor are. And of course I listen, because I'm such a great person.
"How has she been doing?" Connor's talking right now.
"She's good, she's only been here about a month, she seems very happy. We love her a lot." Lin says and I can almost hear his smile.
"You need to watch her. She's insanely good at hiding her feelings." Connor says and Lin sighs.
"As far as I can see, she's doing great. She has made a friend. She's friends with all of my co-workers they absolutely adore her. She loves playing with Sebastian."
"I know." Connor takes a breath, "Just be careful, I don't know anything about her time in foster care before this, but I don't want her hurt."
"Neither do I." Lin replies and I decide to walk out.
"Hey guys." I take a breath and pretend I never heard any of the conversation.
"Hi Bailey." Connor says smiling and standing up.
"Hey kiddo." Lin smiles. "So I was wondering if you and Connor want to see the show tonight, we have some seats on the right side." Lin suggest and I nod.
"Is the green Forever 21 dress clean, because I'll probably wear that." Connor observes Lin and I's conversation probably very confused.
"I think so, if it's not I'll clean it while you're at lunch." Lin assures me and I nod.
"Tell Jonathan I expect to be entertained." I joke and Lin rolls his eyes, telling me he will text Jon.
"Ok. Bye Bailey have fun." Lin hugs me and kisses my forehead.
"Bye Lin." I say and then Connor and I are out the door.
"So how's life been." Connor asked as we got in his car.
"Good." I reply, opening my phone.
"How were your foster homes before Lin." He questioned, backing out of the parking lot.
"Good for the most part." I reply, "I was in one for 2 years. 9 to 11. One for 6 months, one for a year, and one for eight months."
"So you ended up on the street how? I haven't talked to Lin enough, but I know he found you on the street with a back pack." Connor rambles and I cut him off with a nod.
"Ran away from the eight month people, didn't like them enough." I shrugged.
I have a real problem with not liking people. There's not a lot of people I don't like, but if I don't like you I literally don't want to be with in a mile radius of you. Oops.
"You're a mess." Connor laughs as he stops at a red light.
"Hot mess." I do a dramatic hair flip and laugh at myself. I really need a life.
"How's school." I roll my eyes, why does everyone ask this question.
"I'm passing." I reply Technically you need an E to Fail, so passing.
"You act so much like Ryan it kills me." Connor whispers and I bite my lip to keep myself from making a sarcastic comment. "You still have your necklace?"
"Yeah." I pull the chain out from under my shirt as proof.
"Good." Connor says and we're silent as Connor tries to find parking.
It's literally a McDonalds. This is how fancy we are guys.
"Hi can I have a Big Mac and a Coke?" Connor tells the waitress his order and I roll my eyes. He's such a guy.
"Can I have a six piece chicken nugget and a M&M McFlurry?" I say and the lady nods.
"Your total is $9.55" the lady says and Connor hands her a ten dollar bill, he thanks her as she gives him change. He puts the change in the bin and waits at the counter.
Since no one else is eating at 2:45 in the afternoon, we just take our bags after like a minute.
"Where do you want to sit?" I ask Connor and he shrugs, going to a random two person booth.
I take a bite of my McFlurry first, then eat three chicken nuggets in my content silence.
Connor has Eaten half of his Big Mac and breaks the silence. "Do you still like, like make up and stuff?" He asked and I nod.
"When I was on the street I kept make up in my bag so I could keep practicing." I laughed at the memory of myself packing my bag, the first thing i put in was the small make up bag. Connor chuckled and typed something into his phone.
"Do you want to go now?" Connor asked once he only had his drink left and I only had my McFlurry.
"Yeah." I nodded and stood up to walk out the door, throwing away my trash on the way out, then got back in Connors car. "Where to now?" I asked as I buckled my self.
"Central Park ,baby" he smiled and started his car, setting the drink in a cup holder.
"Yay!" I replied, putting a spoonful of the ice cream into my mouth. "You know that's where I met Lin?"
"Really?" Connor said, "Continue."
I told him about how Sebastian ran up to me, so Lin came over. Then how Lin invited me over and Sebastian and I continued to bond. Then Vanessa and I met and bonded. And now here we are. I said more details than that though.
"That's amazing!" Connor gritted his teeth and pressed the horn. Traffic was never this bad in Virginia or Delaware and I know it's driving Ryan insane.
I agreed with him as I scrolled Twitter mindlessly.
When will you be here, Sebastian woke up like 10 minutes ago and is freaking because you aren't here. Lin texted me.
Headed to Central Park, you can meet us there. I suggest and close my phone.
"It's literally 3 seconds from the McDonalds." Connor grumbled and I laughed. Gotta love New York.
"Don't worry," I look at the traffic ahead of us, "We'll be there in 5 minutes give or take."
"It's fine." Connor whispered to himself.
"That was fun." I laughed throwing Sebastian onto the couch
"Yeah." Lin agreed. "Go get dressed kid, we have an afternoon show today and it's 12:30." Lin kissed my forehead and sent me off to the room.
I put on a striped black and white shirt, then put on a plain white t shirt, tucking it in to the skirt, I then throw on a black cardigan and sit onto my bed. I don't know where the cardigan or the skirt came from but oh well.
There is a tiny knock on the door and I tell them to come in. And in walks Sebastian.
"Hey baby." I laugh setting down my phone.
"Daddy wants you." Sebastian giggles.
"Thanks kiddo." I stand up and pick up Sebastian.
"Stop." He whines laughing and I kiss his cheek.
"Get." I joke setting him down once were in the living room. Lin smiled at me.
Not just like a smile. Like a smile full of love. Like not a smile with just your mouth, he's also smiling in his eyes. It makes me feel important.
"You didn't wear the green dress." Lin points out and i nod.
"I found these and wanted to mess around with stuff." I shrug and he nods.
"It looks good." He laughs, "Ok pictures then go."
"Yep." I reply and look at Connor. He's wearing skinny jeans, a button up shirt, and slide on Vans.
"Can you take some?" Lin asked Connor and he nods. "Thanks." Lin leads me to "the wall" that's what I'm calling it now. Just because I live here and I can.
Lin wraps his arm around my waist and I put a hand on my hip, smiling. We hear a click and Lin turns to me.
"Do you trust me?" He asked and I shrugged.
"No I live here because I don't trust you." I replied sarcastically. Lin nodded and tried to pick me up bridal style. Me, being me screamed at first.
"Okay let me take your guys' picture then Bailey and Seb." Sebastian looks up at the mention of his name. 
Connor walks next to me and grabs my hand, spinning me around, I hear the camera click and smile. We take a few normal pictures and then Sebastian comes over. I kneel next to him and my skirt spreads around me. I'm a cool kid.
Sebastian kisses my cheek and then waves at me.
"That eager for me to leave kiddo?" I laugh.
"Vanessa is in the lobby." Lin announced, typing on his phone.
"It's your lucky day kid." I joke picking up Sebastian.
"Sebastian don't scream." Lin says gently.
Sebastian laughs for some reason as Vanessa walked in.
"Hello everyone." She says, giving a tired soul.
"You okay V?" Lin asked, walking to his wife, and pecking her lips.
"Fine, tired but fine." I pursed my lips as she spoke. I know plenty about the word fine, and apparently from Lin's expression he did to. "Hey Sebastian." Vanessa dodges the conversation and reaches for her son.
"Mommy!" He laughs, causing everyone else to as well.
"Hi Bailey, how was your day?" Vanessa asked, pulling me in for a hug.
"Good." I smile watching Sebastian pull at her hair.
"Hi it's nice to meet you I'm Vanessa. We haven't formally met." Vanessa smiles at him.
"Sebastian stop." I say pulling him away from Vanessa, because he's continuing to pull her hair.
"Do you want me to take Sebastian? So you can relax?" Lin asked Vanessa, sliding his hand around her waist.
"No I can stay home with him." Vanessa insist and I bite my lip.
"Come see the show, Bailey and Connor will watch, Sebastian can sit in Baileys lap, security knows Bailey and Seb, they won't look twice at them. Then you can stay with The Schuyler Sisters when they're backstage." Vanessa considers it and nods after a minute. "Ok let's go."
It takes a minute to shuffle everyone out the door and into a taxi. Sebastian is wearing pajamas, but you know when your dad wrote the show your aloud to wear what you want.
When we get to the theatre Jon immediately runs up to me, "Take these and get as far away from Thayne as possible." He instructs, handing me a box and I run up the steps.
Not sure where Thayne is but I'm apparently running from him. I take a minute and look at the box, Thin Mints. Ok then, I run down the hall with the intention of going to Lin's dressing room, but I run into Thayne.
"Hi Thayne." I say nervously, putting the box behind my back.
"Hey kiddo, have you seen Jon?" I nod.
"Gotta go bye."
"Wait a sec." he says as I walk back wards. I squeeze my eyes shut and purse my lips. "You saw Jon?" I nod, "DEMON CHILD!" He yells picking me up, and taking me in Lin's room.
"What did I do?" I asked, trying to sound innocent as he puts me on the couch.
"Give me the food?"
"What's food?"
"I'll share with you."
"Deal." I reply, Handing him the box. He opens it and hands me a roll of the cookies. I thank him and run downstairs.
"WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO!" Jon yells once he sees me.
Then Anthony shows up from who knows where.
"I wrote that!" Now Lin is here. This cast is just a walking reference of musicals.
"Lin?" I asked. "Will I be able to see the entire play this time?" I ask, referring to the last time I was here.
Lin rolls his eyes at me playfully, "Obviously."
Sorry no updates lately haven't been very motivated and I don't want to write something I don't like. Does anyone here live in NYC, I'm going twice in the next two months oops.

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