how lucky we are to be alive right now

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I snuggled into Lin's side as he worked on his laptop. They let me go home the same day I woke up, recommending therapy.
I don't know what Lin was doing but I don't  want to leave his side. He had an arm wrapped around me, I was happy, no not happy, content with being with Lin and being wrapped up and just loved.
"Bailey?" Lin asked me, after a minute.
"Yeah." I replied, closing my eyes and leaning against Lin even more.
"Thank you for writing notes, it means a lot." I nodded.
"I didn't really know what was gonna happen,  I didn't want to actually- you know, and not have anything for you." I shrugged as Lin shut his computer.
"I would've been lost without you." Lin said and I shrugged.
"I'm not sure, you have Vanessa, Seb, and the cast..." I trail off as Lin rolled his eyes.
"Because they wouldn't be upset as well? Even when you were in the hospital Seb was continuously asking when you would be home, Vanessa didn't know what to say. Anthony was a crying mess, and did you see Jon?" I bite my lip. "Can you think what would've happened if you actually died?"
"I'm sorry." My voice cracked as I started crying again.
"Shhh." Lin tried to calm me as I cried into his chest. "I have you." He whispered as the door opened.
"I didn't mean to-"
"I know hija." (A/N I don't know Spanish, I know French so please correct me if anything is wrong.)
"Come here." Someone lifts me off of Lin to the other side of the couch, which is probably the farthest I've been from Lin since I got home.
"I didn't want to hurt you guys." I look up, it's Jon, who's also crying.
"I know kid." Jon kissed my forehead and smoothed my hair and kissed my forehead. "Breathe."
"Do you think your ready to see Gavin yet?" Lin asked. "He's texting me like crazy worried because you haven't answered him."
"Can he come over?" I replied, wiping tears with the back of my hand.
"What ever you want." Lin shrugged, pulling out his phone as Sebastian walked in.
"Sissy!" He yelled, he's been doing this since I got home, and I wasn't mad about it.
"Hey kid!" I smiled as he jumped on my lap. But he went to lay and landed on one of my bandaged wrist. "Ow! That hurts kid." He apologized, and picked up the wrist.
"What happened?" Sebastian asked and I looked at Lin, who just gave me a 'just tell him'.
"I hurt myself." I say, it's true.
"How?" I took a deep breath.
"You know how daddy tells you to be careful when you use scissors?" Sebastian nods, "Well I wasn't very careful when I used them."
"Oh." Sebastian says and immediately moves on, "Can I draw on it?"
"Sure, go for it." I shrug as he runs off. I'm a mess right now. Black leggings and a Hamilton shirt that I probably accidentally stole.
I can explain though, if it's a two day show And I'm wearing like a actual nice shirt I'll take a shirt from merch that's like two sizes to big and wear that.
"He'll be here in 5 minutes, he said he's stopping for something then he'll be here." I nod and lean back on Jon, who's smiling.
"I'm happy you're alive kid." I look at him and smile.
"Me too." I pull out my phone and scroll through a few of Lin's tweets from the last few days.
@/Lin_Manuel: something came up, sorry if I'm MIA for a few days.
@/Lin_Manuel: currently praying for a miracle
@/Lin_Manuel: thankful.
"Lin?" I said after a minute. "Are you going to tell them what happened?"
"What?" He asked, looking up from his phone.
"Like your people." I shrugged.
"If you want them to know. I can set up a YouTube channel for you and you can post a video there and I can tweet the link." I nod after a minute, "I'll make the channel and stuff then you can do whatever." I nod and scroll my phone for a few minutes, until there is a knock on the door.
"I got it." I stood up, and opened the door to Gavin, 2 plastic bags in one hand, and drink in the other."
"Hi." He whispered, quickly setting the drink on the table, then hugging me.
"I tried to-"
"Shh," he cuts me off, "I know." We rock back and forth not letting go. "Here." Gavin hands me he bags and picks up the drink, then follows me to the couch.
I open the first bag, an adult coloring book, like four packs of colored pencils, a big plain black pencil case, The Lego Movie DVD -I think I mentioned once that I like it and smiled at the fact he remembered-, and a note book with some pens. I open the second bag, that has a bunch of snacks. Mini Bags of chips-Salt And Vinegar, Cheetos, Doritos, anything you can imagine was probably there- big bags of candy, Swedish Fish, Sour Patch Kids, Starburst, and other random candies. There's also a bag of cookies, which looked like they came from a bakery.
"Aww thank you." I turned and hugged Gavin, who was now sitting next to me. "Now this has to be organized because I'll freak."
I move all the snacks to the coffee table, and hand the movie to Lin to put it the DVD player. I leave the coloring stuff with me and place the notebook and pen on the coffee table.
"I can breath now." I joke as Sebastian runs in with markers. "Seb! Where did you get those?"
"Your room." He laughs sitting on the side of me that Gavin isn't on, so he's sitting between Jon and I. Sebastian focused on drawing on the bandages as Lin put in the movie and tossed me a blanket.
I thanked Lin and opened all of the bags of candy. Most of them were the big like party size or whatever, so there was a lot. There was a Starburst bag, of just reds-bless-, Sour Patch Kids/Watermelons, and Swedish Fish. Then some tinier things like chocolate bars.
As I unfolded the blanket, Gavin wrapped his arms around my waist and Sebastian crawled onto my lap once he saw the blanket. I laid the blanket over the three of us as there was a knock at the door. Lin opened the door and in walked Anthony, Jazzy, and Daveed. As soon as Gavin saw them he sat up and just wrapped his leg around mine.
"Hey kid!" Daveed said, walking over and hugging me and kissing my cheek. Then he turns to Gavin, "You." He says with a fake smile.
"Sir." Gavin holds out his hand and smiles. I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing. Daveed shakes his hand, then sits next to me.
  "Hey bails." Anthony comes and hugs me. "Hi Gavin How are you."
"Good you?" Gavin says smiling.
"Good thanks." Anthony smiles. "Daveed scoot over!"
"I can't Jon is there!" Daveed protest.
"Jon can you move closer to the corner?" Anthony asked.
"Scoot that way." I whisper, because we still have some room closer to the other core we where Lin had been sitting.
"Hey Bailey how are you feeling?" Jazzy slides between Anthony and Daveed after giving me a hug.
"Better." I smile as Lin starts the movie, and hands me a cup.
"What's this for?" I ask Lin as he sits next to Gavin.
"You think you're eating all that candy?" Lin laughed. "Nice try. Share with your brother." I rolled my eyes jokingly as Gavin wrapped his arms around my waist again. He rested his head on my shoulder, as I messed with Sebastian's hair.
I took a Swedish Fish out of the cup and offered some to Sebastian, he shook his head no as he continued to draw. I leaned my head on Gavin's and set the candy in my lap.
"Watch the movie kid." I told Sebastian and took the marker out of his hand, setting it on the table. Sebastian sighed and leaned his head on my chests, I held is hand as I tried to pay attention to the movie.
I looked around the room. Lin was laying with Vanessa, who must have come in at some point. Vanessa had her head on Lin's shoulder and he was playing with her hair. Gavin had his feet curled up on the couch with his arms around my waist hugging me and his head on my shoulder. My head was in Gavin's head, and I was holding Sebastian's hand and his head was on my chest. Anthony sat next to me, an arm wrapped around my shoulder and his other hand holding Jazzy's. Jazzy had her head on Anthony's lap and her feet on Jonathan's lap. Daveed had somehow made his way to the floor and he was sitting in a ball. Jon had his head resting in his hand and was laid in the corner.
I fell asleep happy.

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