we cry and we break

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I wake up to a text from Gavin. "Come to your lobby, I have something for you but it has to be quick."
I roll my eyes and stand up, I have no idea what I'm wearing, but I don't feel like changing out of it. I wrap a blanket around myself and slide on my boots.
"Lin!" I called. I don't know what day it is. I don't know if it's the morning or afternoon.
"What's up." Lin looked up at me with a hot chocolate in his hand, it must be afternoon or night time then.
"Gavin said he needs me real quick, I'm running to the lobby I'll be back up in like 10." I say and Lin nods.
"Be fast, please take your phone, I love you." Lin says pausing his shows.
"Ok," I hold up my phone. "Love you too." I walk out the door and am about to close it until Lin calls my name.
"Bailey!" I turn around.
"Can you please take like a bag of pretzels, you didn't eat a lot a dinner?" He asked and I nodded, then ran to the cabinet and grabbed a bag of pretzels.
"Ok, I have pretzels I'm leaving now." I call and Lin nods.
"Be safe, tell Gavin hi." I nod and shut the door behind me.
I walk to the elevator and it's empty, so I step in. But when I step in, Connor steps out from the corner, he must've been where I couldn't see him. I quickly press the lobby button and try to stay as quiet as possible when Connor presses the third floor button.
"You like living with Lin?" He asked and I nodded. This has to be he slowest elevator ever. As the elevator was about to hit 3 Connor spoke quickly, "If you come with me we will have no problems, don't cause a scene and we'll be okay." I bit my lip and nodded. I want Lin.
When the floor hit 3 I silently followed Connor out of the elevator. I followed him down the stairs and into his car. Am I being kidnapped?
"Do you have your phone?" Connor asked and I shook my head as he slid into the front seat; I was in the back. I put my phone on airplane mode and put it in my boot, as Connor drove away from the apartment.
"Is Bailey up there?" Gavin texted me.
"No." I replied, "Come up here please."
I threw my phone on the couch and called for Vanessa, it's only 8:30 she isn't asleep yet.
"V!" I yell from the living room and she automatically hushed me saying Sebastian was asleep, then walked out.
"What's wrong?" She sat next to me on the couch.
"Gavin asked Bailey to come down to the lobby because he needed to talk to her and that was twenty minutes ago - she said she would be back in ten minutes. And Gavin texted me just now asking where she was. Gavin is on his way up right now." Vanessa sighed.
"I'll call the front desk and ask them to check security cameras, is, oh my God, is Connor here yet?" Vanessa asked and we both jumped up.
"Not that I know of, just check security." I sighed, trying to not to think the worst.
"Ok," Vanessa sighed and kissed my cheek, "Please don't panic to much, she might've gotten side tracked, you know how she gets." I nodded as there was a knock on the door.
"Hey Gavin." I smiled as Gavin walked in, "What did you have to do, do you need me to take you anywhere?" Gavin shook his head.
"I had to pick up Tyler from my grandparents house but he can stay there for a little while longer." I nodded as I listening to Vanessa on the phone. I couldn't hear much, but knowing she was on the phone was enough.
"Okay." I sighed as Vanessa walked out.
"I'm having trouble getting them to tell me what's on the cameras." I bit my lip. "Lin relax, take a nap or something. Gavin you can help yourself to a drink or a snack, And Lin Seb is in the playroom, by himself again." Vanessa rose her eyebrow. "Before you take a nap or anything, Can you start getting him ready for bedtime."
"Yeah I can-" I started but Gavin cut me off.
"I can get Sebastian ready, Lin relax." I immediately shook my head.
"No I can-"
"Lin." Gavin said, "Take a nap, relax." I bit my lip then I nodded.
"Ok." I said slowly, and laid on the couch as Gavin walked down the hall. I slowly fell asleep.
I woke up about two hours later, hoping it was just a dream. I would walk into Baileys room and she would be right there, watching some TV show or being on her phone. She'd wanna show me some post she found about Hamilton, and we'd laugh about it. Then I'd tell her it was getting late and she should go to sleep, even though it's only 9. But I walked down the hall slowly and opened Baileys door. But it wasn't a dream. Bailey wasn't there; and I couldn't help but cry about it.

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