and i'm a little nervous but i can't show it

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I woke back up with my arms wrapped around Gavin and my head on his shoulder. I must've woken up, moved and forgot because I fell asleep laying down. Everyone else was awake, Tyler and Sebastian were playing on the floor, Lin was on his phone, probably Twitter, sitting on the couch. Jazz and Anthony were having some side conversation while Anthony changed the movie we were watching. Gavin was running a hand through my hair with one and was drumming his fingers against his knee on the other.
"Can we talk now?" I ask immediately, "I can tell you need to talk."
"Okay, yeah I guess I do." Gavin said.
"Lin we're going to talk, Ant hold the movie till we get back." They both nod as Gavin follows me to my room.
"What happened?" I asked grabbing his hand and sitting on my bed.
"I don't really know. I remember my mom going crazy and yelling at us, not really Tyler mainly me. She yelled a lot, more than usual-"
"Usual?" I cut Gavin off, "Gav if she's yelling at you to the point you feel you need to leave-"
"Shh," Gavin said laughing a little, "Let me finish my story. Yeah but she went crazy yelling about how we weren't actually her kids and dumb stuff like that." Gavin rolled his eyes, "Then my dad got home and she just started throwing stuff, so my dad told me to take Tyler and leave."
"And it's happened before?" I asked and Gavin shrugged.
"I mean, in moderation, like she's yelled some dumb stuff before, and her and my dad have gotten into fights. My dad said he's gonna deal with it- so I have a feeling that we're gonna be living with just my dad." He paused for a second. But I interrupted before he could talk.
"If you need to do court stuff or anything, I don't know how that works, we can watch Tyler for you."
"Thanks. I just don't know like if my dad would move or how far he would move." Gavin said slowly.
"We don't have to think about that right now." I say quickly, "Let's go watch the movie." Gavin bit his lip- but nodded.
"Thank you." Gavin whispered, I don't think he meant for me to hear. I smiled.
"You guys okay?" Lin asked gently and I nodded, mouthing the words I'll tell you later.
I ducked to get in the tent, and they had a movie playing. "ANTHONY!" I yelled jumping on him.
"What?" He laughed, as Jazzy moved out of the way.
"I told you to wait for me!" I protest as Anthony picked me up.
"I'm sorry!" Anthony said.
"Well you can't just pick me up when you want me out of the way!" I laugh as Anthony sets me on his lap.
"Oops." Anthony pressed rewind on the movie and restarted it.
"Thank you much!" I yelled.
"Shush Bailey." Lin laughed, "You can't just scream whenever you want." I shrugged as Lin looked down at his phone, then bit his lip.
"What's wrong?" I asked, standing up and walking to Lin. "Wanna go out there? Where they can still hear us because it's just blankets but they can't see us."
"No I'm okay it's just-" He took a deep breath, "Connor is coming up here. He's serious about wanting custody." I bit my lip.
"Go watch a movie." Lin hugged me and kissed my forehead.
"You okay?" Jasmine asked gently.
"Yeah..." I said slowly.
I don't know if I'm okay. I don't know if I'm okay with Connor, who never tried to get custody before try for it now. Sure he watched me while Ryan was out, but he never had custody he was just watching me. If he had custody I wouldn't have left after Ryan died. 
"Are you sure?" Anthony asked holding his arms out. I jump back into his arms, because you know his words, "You're like 5."
"It's not fair." I complain, clinging to Anthony.
"I know Bails." Anthony kissed my forehead. "Watch the movie, you would like this one, and we still have candy left." Anthony hands me the bag and I thank him, then cuddle into his chest. I haven't spent a lot of time with him recently and I feel bad because he's always been there for me, like he said, "self-designated big brother."
I take out Swedish Fish and watch Grown Ups. But everyone decides to switch spots. Gavin sits next to Anthony, Jasmine is on the other side of Anthony. My head is on Gavin's lap, my feet on Jasmines lap. They're scared, I'm scared, everyone is scared. I'm scared of losing them, they're scared of losing me. Gavin is scared because of his parents. I'm afraid of losing my family. Terrified. I can't lose another family, especially if I can help it. I'm scared of losing my older brother, I'm scared of losing my younger brother. I don't like having to be scared of losing people. I don't like being scared of stuff like this in general.
You guys actually seem like the coolest people I want to meet you guys. That's creepy I apologize I'm awkward

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