the world will never be the same

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I sat on my bedroom floor, in front of my phone camera. I glanced back to make sure my door was closed, then took a deep breath. I leaned forward and pressed record.
"Umm, Hi, I'm Bailey West." I laughed at my self a little. "I don't know if Lin has said anything but, I'm his foster daughter. I've lived with him for about three months. You've probably seen me on like Twitter and stuff like that but I can't remember if he's officially said anything. But I'm the reason that Lin was being all weird on Twitter. And before people freak, Lin knows I'm doing this and told me I could." I roll my eyes at the fact I have to say that. "Yeah, but anyway, I'm Bailey and I tried to kill myself. I'm not gonna cry, I've cried a lot. But yeah, I'm just gonna say what happened pretty much maybe not why just what happened and why, but just what happened." I took a breath as I tried to explain myself. "So, I tried to overdose and then I cut, like a lot." I looked down at my bandaged wrist. "See Sebastian drew on the bandage." I hold up one of my wrist and look at the camera for a minute. "So after I did it Sebastian came in to get me and I obviously wasn't answering him, and Anthony came in and realized what had happened and told Lin and called 911. I was only in the hospital for a day though, like I woke up the next day and left." I bit my lip as I remembered seeing Jon crying and shaking as soon as I woke up. Then Lin not wanting to leave my side which I understand. I went to look up at the camera as there is a knock on the door and Lin comes in.
"Bailey we're going shop- Oh you're doing this, we can wait, are you okay?" Lin says, looking at the camera.
"Yeah, I'm fine, you can stay if you want?" Lin nods and sits next to me.
"Hi." Lin smiles and the camera and grabs my hand.
"Yeah, so I'm getting better already I think, Jon, Daveed, Jasmine, Anthony and Gavin came over and we watched a movie and ate junk food. Me and Anth-"
"Anthony and I." Lin cuts in and I nod.
"Talked today, I scared people and I didn't mean too. Okay yeah, you wanna say anything?" I space out as Lin starts to talk about how there are hotlines available, and he's willing to talk if they're afraid to talk to anyone else.
"Ok that's all, bye." Lin leans forward and presses the stop button. "You okay?" Lin helps me stand up and hugs me, I nod. "I'm proud of you for doing that, especially when you didn't have to." Lin kisses my forehead.
"Thanks Lin."
"Come on hija, places to be." He laughs and gently pushes me out the door.
"Good morning Vanessa." I smile as I see Vanessa standing there making coffee.
"Morning girly." Vanessa smiled.
"You ready to go Bailey." Lin asked and i nodded.
"Where are we going?" I replied. 
"Thrift stores? Make-up stores? I don't know I just wanna go somewhere." I rolled my eyes jokingly.
"You're so prepared, but yeah I'm in."
"Shoes Mija." Lin reminds me and I run back to my room, slide on my boots and go back to the living room.
"Ok." I breathe following Lin out the door after saying our 'love you's and 'goodbye's.
"Also we have to go to the theatre for like 30 minutes because Alex and Tommy are gonna need help with Ensemble practice. I don't think you've met Tommy yet, but I'm warning you the ensemble is possibly the loudest people in the cast." Lin says quickly. Don't know who Tommy is and I've only met like three people from ensemble. This should be fun.
"Are we going to the theatre first?" I ask and Lin nods.
"We'll be fast though." He promises as he runs down the steps.
"Slow down, geez." I laugh. "I'm out of shape."
"You are not shut up." Lin rolls his eyes and waits for me at the bottom of the stairs. "Ok so you've met Thayne, but literally the loudest member of the cast is there. You think Thayne has a problem? Wait till you meet Andrew." Lin laughed at himself.
"Well I'm fully aware Thayne has a problem, but what do you mean wait until you meet Andrew?" I asked, remembering all the times Jon and Thayne put me in the middle of a prank or some dumb game.
"It's just- you'll see." Lin bit back a smile; like he had some type of inside joke with himself.
I hid behind Lin as we walked into the theatre. I don't know much about Andrew, but with Lin's hints; I'm terrified.
"HEY GUYS!" Lin yelled when we walked in, heading right to the stage.
"Hey Lin." Thayne greeted, waving.
Lin pushed me in front of him. "For everyone who's not met her, this is Bailey. Bailey say hi."
I glared at Lin; half joking half not. "Hi." I whispered and try to step behind Lin.
After a minute of silence, not awkward silence just silence, someone stepped forward.
"Hey girl, I'm Andrew." I waved from behind Lin.
"Make friends." Lin pushed me back in front of him; I stepped back next to him.
"Don't need them." I replied smiling.
"Your only friend is Gavin." He looked at me pointedly. After a chorus of "who's Gavin?" I turn to Lin.
"I have my school friends," I argue, "Rylynn and Brayden." There were other people, but I'm only really friends with Rylynn and Brayden.
"That's three." Lin stated. Our conversation had drifted to the back of the stage as everyone continued rehearsing.
His phone rang, I only saw Vanessa's name, and then Lin quickly ushered me out.
"What's wrong." I asked constantly, Lin would ignore me or tell me not to worry about it.
When we finally got back home, Vanessa was crying on the couch.
"Shh babe." Lin said, hugging her tightly.
"What's happening?" I asked a little louder.
"Have you told her?" Vanessa asked and Lin shook his head no. "Can you go to your room with Sebastian for a little."
"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged and picked up Sebastian from the floor.
"Hi!" Sebastian said excitedly.
"Hi." I smiled.
"Why's mommy crying?" He asked and I bit my lip.
"I don't know Seb." I kissed his forehead and set him on my bed.
I scrolled on my phone for a while when Jonathan texted me.
"Is everything okay?" I ignored the text as Lin knocked on the door.
"Bailey?" Lin said, and I looked up. "Sebastian go hang out with mommy for a few minutes."
"What's wrong. Why did Jon just text me asking if everything was okay?"
Lin took a deep breath.
"Connor is trying to get Custody of you."

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