i'm about to change your life

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"Lin can we get a dog." I asked again, sitting on the couch.
"Bails. We talked about this." He said and I shrugged. We had only 'talked' about it on Periscope.
"Please, I promise I'll take care of it." Lin rose an eye brow.
"V!" Lin yelled down the hallway. She was probably just falling asleep, because it was like 10 at night.
"What Lin! I have to work tomorrow." She walked down the hallway wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. I looked down at myself, my leggings and hoodie didn't look much better.
"Bailey wants a dog."
"Then get a dog." Vanessa shrugged, "I don't care, I'm going back to sleep now. Good night, love you guys."
"I love you."
"Love you too." I replied and rolled over on the couch. "Please Lin."
"What's the date?" He asked.
"April 9th, I think. Why?"
"You can get the dog tomorrow. I give up." Lin sighed, and I swear I jumped on him.
"YAY THANK YOU I LOVE YOU."I hugged Lin and kissed his cheek.
"Go to sleep, be up and ready before 10. I love you too." Lin hugged me back then jokingly shooed me away.
I walked down the hallway, and heard Sebastian in his room, so I walked in.
"Seb? What are you doing." I walked to his bed and picked him up. Maybe that's his problem, Lin decided like 3 days ago it was time to get rid of the crib, and make him sleep in his actual bed.
"Can't sleep." Sebastian rolling over, he spoke with a childish lisp that I loved.
"Wanna come sleep in my room tonight?" I asked and he nodded, so I picked him up and carried him through the bathroom and to my room. "Night Sebby." I kissed his forehead and laid him on my bed.
He mumbled a goodnight and cuddled into one of my pillows. I crawled into my bed and pulled the covers only halfway up myself, I didn't want Sebastian to suffocate. I grabbed an extra blanket from the end of my bed and pulled that over the top half of myself. I put one of my arms out, over his head, and slowly fell asleep.
I woke up to Lin shaking me. "What?" I groaned, rolling over.
"9:15. You should get ready?" I nodded. "When did Seb come in?"
"Whenever I went to bed, I heard him and he couldn't sleep so I brought him in here."
"Ok, I'll take him go get dressed." I rolled out of bed as Lin picked up Sebastian.
I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications. I had a snapchat from Andrew, and Greg. I quickly snap chatted them back saying good morning. I opened Twitter and Lin had mentioned me in a Tweet.
@/Lin_Manuel: Went to wake up @/baileyywest and homeboy was in here.
Lin had put a pillow over Sebastian's head for the picture to cover his face. I liked and retweeted then clicked off my phone. I rolled out of bed and walked to my closet. I pulled out light blue skinny jeans, a black fitted t shirt, and black boots. They were my favorite boots, they were black and went about to my mid-calf. I pulled those clothes on along with a black sports bra and white socks that could go over the jeans a bit. I stood up from putting on my boots and looked at my night stand - where the dog tags were. I'm not gonna wear them today. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then grabbed my hair brush. I brushed my hair into a neat ponytail, then tied it into a bun. I looked at my appearance and sighed, walking out of the bathroom. I jumped onto my head and checked the time. 9:36.
"Lin I'm ready." I stated walking down the hall.
"Ok, eat something please." I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen.
"What are we gonna name it?" I asked, looking through the cereal selection.
"You might not get a say in what its named, it might already be named." I pulled out the Frosted Flakes.
"Right." I poured them into a bowl and got milk. "Is Sebastian coming?"
"No I'm gonna leave the 2 year old home alone." He replied, sarcastically.
I ate my cereal in silence, watching as Sebastian stuck stickers all over the walls.
"Can we leave now?" I asked, setting my cereal in the sink.
"Yes, go grab your phone." Lin sighed and I ran down the hallway and ran back.
"Leggo, Leggo." I sang laughing at myself, and raced out the door.
"Slow down," Lin yelled from behind me. "I have a toddler." I waited at the elevator for them and pressed the button for the Garage.
Lin stepped into the elevator with me, Sebastian following him. Sebastian was wearing khaki shorts and a t-shirt with an airplane on it.
"Puppies!" I sang to myself and Lin rolled his eyes.
"You're such a brat." Lin laughed. "I guess it's somewhat my fault though." He shrugged.
"It's your fault." I confirmed, jokingly.
Sebastian had a page of stickers in his hands, that he was sticking on my jeans. I pulled out my phone and took pictures of him, and I was sad, for a minute, because I wouldn't be able to post them until he was older. I sighed as we stepped out of the elevator and onto the group floor.
"Were walking." Lin stated, "Its only like a block away."
I walked the entire block chanting the words puppies, and receiving many weird looks, before Lin said we were at the shelter.
"Hi, were here to adopt." Lin said and the lady nodded.
"Follow me please." She smiled and led us to a big room filled with crates and dogs.
"Lin." I exclaimed, hitting his arm lightly a few times.
"Yes Bailey I know - Seb! Careful please." Lin replied, "Bailey look." He pointed me to a section of crates.
I walked over a looked at the crates. It was the little puppies, not the big ones. I put my fingers through the bars, and the dog started licking my hand.
"Hi puppy." I cooed, and laughed.
"Aww it likes you." Lin said and I smiled.
"It's a girl, I think." I corrected and he nodded.
"Her name is Charlie." Lin pointed to the name tag.
"Can we get it." I begged.
"Are you sure you don't want to look at any other ones?" Lin asked and I shook my head. "Ok."
"Seb! Come here." I said and motioned him to come over. "Look, we're gonna get this puppy."
"Puppy." He repeated.
"Her name is Charlie." I told him and he smiled. I pulled out my phone to take a picture of the small dog that would soon be mine.


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"Bails." Lin said poking his head in the door, "The lady said you could take Charlie out, I have to sign papers, so hang out here for like 5 minutes then we can go to a pet store." I nodded and opened the crate door.
"Hi baby." I laughed holding Charlie close to my chest. I like the name Charlie, I'm happy that's her name.
"Lemme see!" Sebastian whined.
"Ok, here." I put Charlie between Seb and I and block my arms around her.
"Puppy!" He laughed.
"This is our dog." I explained and he smiled. "Hey Charlie." I pulled out my phone and took a picture of Sebastian with Charlie in his lap.
"Lets go guys, pet store." Lin said.
"Really? It's done!" I asked and Lin nodded, laughing at me. "Ahh Thank you!" I picked up Charlie and ran to Lin hugging him. 
"Hang on." Lin pulled out his phone, checking a notification. "You two - well three are hanging out with everyone at the theatre so I can shop in peace." I nodded.
"Who all will be there?" I asked and he shrugged.
"Daveed is the one who texted asking if you and Seb wanted to hang out, they don't know about Charlie yet."
"Ok so I have this bag of stuff they gave us, like treats and stuff so you guys can use that until I get back." Lin explained and I nodded. "Seb, come on bud, we're gonna go see Daveed."
"Hey Bail-" Daveed started to say as I walked in, then he noticed Charlie in my arms, "Why do you have a dog?"
"I got a dog." I stated smiling.
"LIN? YOU GOT HER A DOG!" He yelled as Lin and Sebastian walked in behind me.
"She's on Cloud 9 let her be." Lin shrugged.
"Ok..." Daveed said slowly, "Go show Andrew, he was just asking why you haven't been at the theatre as much, and a dog - Jesus he'll flip." Daveed laughed and shooed me up the stairs.
I knocked on the door labeled Andrew and he shouted a 'come in!'
"Hey Andrew." I smiled.
"Hey Girl what's up." He looked up from his phone, "You got a dog?" I nodded really fast. "What's it's name?"
"Her name is Charlie." I replied and he motioned for me to come over there.
"Y'all." He opened Instagram stories and started recording, "So you guys know Bailey, Lin's daughter, she got a dog and I'm obsessed."
"Hi guys." I waved as the video ended. "Lin's going to the pet store to get food and bed whatever, and he dropped Seb and I off because Daveed was asking."
"Girl, I know we've hung out like twice but you're literally one of my favorite people." Andrew started recording again.
"You're one of my favorite people too." I laughed, holding Charlie close to my chest.
"Can I hold her?" He asked and I set Charlie in his lap. "Y'all I'm freaking." Andrew said, putting the camera on the small dog.
"Don't break her." I joked and Andrew rolled his eyes.
"I'll fight you, I don't have a show today." Andrew jokingly cracked his knuckles and stuck out his tongue.
"Get out of my face." I pushed his forehead away from me and picked up Charlie. "My puppy."
"I have a puppy too," Andrew started, "Oh my God! They can have puppy play dates."
"Puppies." I repeated.
"Girl, you can't only say the word puppies now that you have one." Andrew rolled his eyes back into his head dramatically. 
I pulled Charlie close to me. This is my dog. I will raise her and she will be the best dog in the world. My life is perfect now, I have a mom, a dad, a brother, a boyfriend, friends that I consider family, like the cast and my homeschool friends, and now a puppy.
Sorry if I don't update in the next two days, I have some family stuff going on but I can update Wednesday because I'll have a long drive so expect updates then. Also the picture of Charlie in the story is actually one of my dogs! And her name in real life is actually Charlie!

Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda Where stories live. Discover now