let's go upstate

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I woke up to singing. I assumed the show was going on so I just ignored it. I turned onto my stomach as someone walked into the room. I ignored them but they shook my arm.
"Hey." The person whispered, I turned back over, it was Jon.
"Hi." I replied rubbing my eyes. My voice was raspy and it hurt to talk.
"Lin asked me to wake you up so you could still sleep tonight." I nodded and sat up, cuddling close to the blanket.
"What time is it?"
"It's 3:30." Jon said, handing me a bottle of water. "How's your head?"
"Better." I reply, taking a sip of the drink. I don't know whose it is but hey we're all friends here.
"Lin said you had a bad history of migraines."
"Yeah." I nod my head and close the bottle of water. "My older brother had them really bad to." I reached around my neck making sure my necklace was still there. "Can you hand me my phone?"
"Yeah here." Jon reached onto Lin's chair and hands me my phone.
I unlock my phone and open Instagram. I search for Connor and click on his profile selecting the send message button.
Connor? I type, it's me Bailey. I lock my phone and wait for a response, anxiously tapping the couch. 
"Jon?" I asked. "When will Lin be able to come back here again."
"Like ten minutes," he answers and my phone dings, "why do you need more medicine?"
I shake my head and re open my phone.
Oh my God Bailey. How are you kid? What is it with people calling me kid. But I smile at Connors message, thankful someone I cared for before Lin is still here.
I'm okay, I live in NYC now. I press send and Connor begins to type.
I'm in Delaware :( I grew up in Maryland, then my first foster home when I was ten was in Virginia. I miss you kiddo.
I sigh, I miss him too. I miss you too.
How old are you now, last time I saw you you were nine. I laugh at the message.
I'm 13. I'm old now. When I was like 3 or 4, I would always make fun of them for being old.
Can I come see you? Connor asked. If only it was that easy.
I can ask, I want you to come though. I get a twitter notification but ignore it as Connor types.
I can come pretty much whenever, I'm in online school. Sorry for so many questions but do you still wear your necklace?
Yeah I do, haven't taken it off in like three years, except for gymnastics and tumbling. Connor had a bracelet for Ryan, just his name, Ryan Carter in his favorite color, orange, on a black bracelet.
You back in gym? That's great kid. How's your elbow? I smile at his concern, I love it but I wish it didn't have to be like this. I wish it would go back to him being like one of my best friends, not older brother.
It hurts a little but not bad. I have to go, I'll ask if you can come up, I'll message you back in like 20 minutes. I click off my phone as Lin walks in.
"Lin?" I called as he walked in.
"What's up how's your head." Lin rushes to my side.
"It's okay, Lin can someone come see me, they don't have to stay at the apartment or anything, but I want to see them." I talk really fast, I've been told that before.
"Who is it?" Lin asked, standing up and taking a sip of the drink.
"It's my brothers best friend." I swear, Lin almost choked on his water.
"Yeah of course, I want to meet anyone who is important to you. What's his name?" Lin replied, closing the bottle of water.
"His name is Connor, he lives in Delaware. I just miss him." I click on my phone to see an okay message from Connor.
"It's fine, he can come whenever." Lin throws the bottle somewhere in the room, not bothering to see where it goes. "Now for real how's your head your wincing everytime I talk." Lin raises an eyebrow at me.
"It just hurts and I'm cold I'll be fine. Other people have it worse." I reply.
"Even if other people have it worse, your pain and feelings are still valid, and that goes for anything." Lin says, I shut up after that. 
I message Connor saying he can come whenever, then tell him I have a headache so I'm going to sleep.
I ignore Lin saying that I won't be able to sleep tonight and cuddle into the blanket for the scone time today.
"Bailey is this really the best Id-"
"Good night Lin."
Sorry for such a short chapter

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