i know i dont deserve you

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After about an hour of small talk and eating, Lin decided it's time to leave.
"Grades child." Lin says as soon as we get in the car.
"They're fine Lin, I promise, I'm passing school, still haven't failed a grade, and I get all of my school work done. I'm fine." It's true. I did all my school work , just didn't really get good grades on it.
"What are your grades?" Lin asked, calmer than usual I noticed.
"In my main classes I have 2 C's a D and a B." I answer. It's not that big a deal.
"What classes have which grades." I feel bad, Lin cares about grades that I don't really care about.
"C's in English and Math, D in science, B in history. I do all my work, I'm just not good at it." I shrug, I try at least.
"Do you think you would do better in real school?" Lin asks and I lean my head back, hitting the seat.
"I don't know."
"If your grades aren't better by the end of the term, you're going to real school." I just nod, I don't need this right now.
"Connor is coming in three days. I guess two now."
"How would Connor feel about your grades?" Lin asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Can we just drop this, please?" I begged and turned on my phone, scrolling Twitter mindlessly.
"We're going home to get your laptop then we're going to the theatre." He said after a minute of silence. I just nodded, looking at the tweets from the Hamilton fandom.
"I'll go in." I say and step out of the car once we get to the apartment. I walk through the lobby, and get into the elevator pressing my floor number. I walk down the hall to the last door, I open the door. Lin forgot to lock the door, guess it worked in my favor. I walk into my room and grab my laptop off my bed, then walk back out the door and down the elevator. I wave to the front desk guy as I walk out.
"Hi B!" Sebastian yells as I get back into the car. Apparently B is my new name.
"Hey bud!" I reply re buckling my seat belt.
"The girls said you're going online shopping and you don't have a choice." Lin said simply, there's less tension. I think we just needed a few minutes away from each other.
"Mmk." I hum as Seb rambles about something.
"Tomorrow is Valentine's Day." Lin states as he pulls to a red light.
"Oh yeah I guess it is." I shrug. It's just Valentine's Day. I'm forever alone anyway.
"Want to do something?" He suggest. 
"Aren't you going to do something with Vanessa?" I asked him.
"Yeah, you and Seb are staying with Ant and Jazzy tomorrow night for like 3 or 4 hours so V and I can see a movie and get dinner, but like during the day while V is at work." Lin rambles.
"So like lunch or something?" I asked and he nodded.
"You made it so complicated." Lin joked as we pulled into the theatre.
"Leave me alone." I joke. Don't leave me alone. I can't be alone again. I close my eyes tight and breathe out once.
"Are you okay?" Lin asked me as he unbuckled Sebastian, I hadn't even noticed he got out of the car.
"Yeah I'm okay." I opened the car door and grabbed my laptop, then stepped out of the car.
"Do you want a drink?" He asked grabbing my hand with his free hand. I shook my head no and bit the inside of my cheek. I'm fine. "You know if something's bothering you you can tell me right?"
"I know." I replied. It's crazy what the love and care you have for someone can do. Like 15 minutes ago we were arguing, now we aren't. I don't know. Love is just a good thing. I don't know. Everyone should feel love at some point in their lives.
"No seriously." Lin reassured me, squeezing my hand as he lead me into the theatre.
"I know." I repeated as everyone ran up to us.
"Hang on guys." Lin said and set Sebastian on the floor, leading me to the back of the theatre. "What is wrong." He presses.
"Nothing's wrong, I just got caught in my thoughts." I promise and turn away.
"Okay." Lin purses his lips and pulls me in for a hug. "Go do homework." I nod and carry my laptop backstage.
I put my laptop on the stage and jump up onto the stage, then going back stage and setting my laptop up in Lin's room. I quickly typed in my log in and opened the math thing.
-5 - 6x = 10 -12x easy enough. Get the numbers together. Plus 5 to even it out.
-6x = 15 -12x Plus 12 x to even it out.
6x = 15 Now divide by six to get rid of the variable.
X= 2.5. That was easy enough. I honestly don't know how I'm failing math.
I finish the other 9 problems like that in about 15 minutes. Math is easy, but I'm still failing for some reason. Whatever.
I start to click on the English section as Jon runs in. "Hi!" He yells enthusiastically.
"Hi Jon." I reply laughing slightly as I open the article I'm supposed to read. I watch as Jon skims it.
"That's dumb." He says after a minute. The article is about how kids are narcissistic because they think they are good basically, and how social media gives us false pride.
"I agree, but I have to do it." I write in a paragraph how I disagree with it. I write that children hate themselves and are called attention seekers, children love themselves and are called narcissistic. I ramble on about that for a few sentences and press submit. I'll finish the rest later, I'm done with English right now.
For History and Science, I decide to do it later
because Science will just be a virtual lab, and history will just be vocabulary. Easy enough.
I close my laptop and take a deep breath in, just as the girls walk in, dragging me out of my place and into their room.
"Hey guys." I say once we're in there.
"So what websites do you want to go to." Jazzy ignores my greeting and opens the internet tab. I just shrug so they start to type in stores they think I'll like.
"She needs skin stuff, stop a problem before it starts." Renee says and Jazzy backspaces whatever she was typing and typed in Lush. I don't even know what that is.
After an hour of them putting different skin products, make up products, and clothes in a virtual shopping cart and checking out. They bought anything I looked at for more than 10 seconds basically and stuff they thought I would look good in. I lean back on the couch, just thinking again.
Thinking about how grateful I am. Grateful that Lin cares enough to worry about my grades. Grateful I can have contact with Connor. Grateful for Sebastian's innocence. Grateful for the girls acting as sisters. Grateful for Jon acting as an older brother. Grateful for the cast accepting me. Just grateful.
Sorry I've been MIA recently. I've just had a lot going on and haven't been motivated. I know this is a few days behind by the way oops.

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