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“You said you didn’t like her.” I stutter, eyes wide, “right?”

I tentatively follow him along the corridors, like a baby wolf cautiously following its mother into the wilderness.

He was always so confident. So pretty. And smart. And funny.

I was just a shy, simple girl unable to make many other friends because she only ever concentrated on one.

“No I didn’t.” He sighs, leading me out into the deserted courtyard of the school where we normally go to eat lunch. He walks on and takes a seat at the small wooden table, taking out his lunch box consisting of jam sandwiches and an orange. All the other kids were in the lunch hall.

This was our special place.

I stop short, pondering for a moment, my brows furrowed and forehead creasing as I think hard.

“No, you definitely did. Remember the other day in your back garden?” I walk over to him, taking the seat across from his own. He rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue, looking up at me exasperatedly.

“I’m telling you, I never said I didn’t like her. She’s nice.” He tells me with a shrug. I lean forward, folding my arms together and leaning on them.

“We were in your back garden, and I asked you who you were thinking of taking to the school dance. You said you didn’t know so I said Judy wanted you to take her and then you said that you didn’t like her.” I recall, pointing a finger at him as I tell him the story. He slams his hands on the table and pushes against it to haul himself up. I quickly shut my mouth and look up into his narrowed eyes.

“Just drop it.” He mutters through clenched teeth, “I don’t care what I did say or didn’t say anymore…”

“But you did say it.” I interrupt him and he snarls at me. I shrink away under his gaze, my cheeks flushing red and my eyes downcast to the muddy, damp grass.

“I’m taking her and that’s final. Just shut up for once, will you?” he snatches up his meal and storms away from me. I watch him leave, my mouth hanging open to say something – anything – that might stop him from walking away from me.

Nothing comes to mind.

I sigh, biting my lip and drop my head into my hands. I should’ve just left it when he told me to. I always push it too far.

But he should know by now.

He always did this. He always hurt me.

But I still loved him.


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