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“I’m going to ask her to marry me.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Come on, you know you were always my best friend.”

“That’s not what you said last year.”

“I messed up. I’m so sorry. So, so sorry. It’s not enough but I can’t give up all our good times just for that. And we still kept in touch. We would still text sometimes even if it had to be done in secret. You always knew it wasn’t the end. I love you.”

“I miss you.”

“I know. Sorry. I’m a dick.”

“You are.”

“Piss off.”

“You’re the one who called me after all this time.”

“I know. You’re my best friend. I really need you right now. Can we put last year in the past? Please?”

“You’re lucky I love you.”

“I know, luckiest guy ever.”

“Yep, I do still kind of hate you though.”

“I deserve that. But I really need your help.”

“With what?”

“Can you help me pick out an engagement ring for Judy? I need some guidance and you’re number one.”


“Seriously, I need your help. Quit messing around.”


“I’m asking Judy to marry me.”

“Your nineteen fucking years old. Are you mental?”

“I don’t care. I don’t care what you think. Are you going to help be or be a nuisance like my parents? Telling me I’m too long and just being stupid because if that’s what you’re going to say, I don’t need to hear it. I don’t need your approval. I just need me best friend to help me.”

“I’ll help…”

“Thank you.”

“But you owe me.”


“Right, cool, thanks, gotta go. Judy’s home. Bye. Come to the wedding.”


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