protective little brother

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       "I don't get this show (Nickname)." said my 3 year old little brother Logan  as he sits on my shoulders. " that's the point. " " Can I put makeup on you (n/n)." I lean to the  side of the sofa taking Logan with me as he holds my head for dear life. "Ok but don't use my good makeup." Logan runs to my room. As he goes I hear a knock on the door. I head to the door to open it to see my fire hazard of a boyfriend. "Hey Leo what are you doing here." Leo hugs me and kisses my forehead. " I was told to check on you, and I missed you." "Awww i miss you too baby, but next time call I'm babysitting my little brother Logan while my mom is out of town." I kiss Leo on the lips then Logan runs in.

     "(N/n) Who's that?" I bend my knees to get on eye level with my brother. "Logan this is Leo, he's my boyfriend from camp he came here to check up on me." "NONONONO YOU CAN'T TAKE MY SISTER!!GO ALWAY YOU CAN'T HAVE HER!!!!" Logan ran up to me and buried his head in my neck. I pick him up and look at Leo who has a sad smile. "I'm so sorry about this Leo." "It's ok (y/n). Can I try to talk to him?" I nod and let him in my apartment as I close the door. We sit on the sofa as Logan slowly calms down and sits in between me and Leo.

     "Hey Logan how you doing?" Leo says as my brother give him a sour look. "You can't take my sister." "No I'm not going to take (y/n) I just to hang out with her." Leo try to explain to Logan. "Why?" " because I missed her at camp and I was told to check on  her. So here I am." " i still don't like you." Leo tried not to laugh because what can I say this was kind of cute. "What do like about (y/n) Logan." Said Leo trying to change the subject. " I like how she plays the ukulele,And how she let's lets me put makeup her,and when she reads me bedtime storys,and she lets ride on her shoulders." "Wow that long list I can understand why you don't me to have her." Logan points to Leo's tool belt. " What's in there?" Leo pulls out some metal and gears and started to make something for my brother. After a few minutes Leo made Logan a red toy car. " Here you can have it." Logan grabs the car and faces me and says "Ok I like him now you can date him." Me and Leo look at each other and we both started to laugh our heads off. "Well thanks for your blessing Logan, so wanna watch a movie you guys." I said as we calm down. "No you said I could put makeup on you (n/n)." "Hey mind if I help out." Leo looked at me with a mischievious look on his face as well as my brother. 'Dear gods save me.'

      "Are you done yet?" I whine because it's been an hour of Logan putting on makeup on my face, and Leo doing my hair. "Nope not even close (n/n)." "And I'm still trying to do your hair." Leo said as he pulls on my baby hairs again. "Ow, why do I let you this again?" I said out loud. " because you love us." They both answer at the same time. "But why do I love you?" "You just do (y/n) You just do." Said Logan as he pokes my eye with my liner. "Ow. Yeah I just do." Leo pins my hair in a messy bun after he gave up on doing a Dutch braid and Logan finally finished adding to blush to my cheeks and they hand my the mirror.
       "HOW DO YOU APPLY MAKEUP BETTER THEN ME?!?! YOU'RE ONLY THREE YEARS OLD!?!?!" I yell at him because the real reason why I let my little brother do my makeup is because he is way better at it than me. Logan shrugs his shoulders " I don't know, why  is the sky blue?" He tells me. " Are you the son of Aphrodite or something?" Said Leo getting a good look at my face looking surprised himself at what my little brother can do. " I don't know."Logan says again. Leo gets up and saying that he should  probably be heading back to camp now. Logan gets up and runs to Leo and hugs leg saying. " NONONONONO STAY!!!DON'T GO LEO!" "Oh my gods this so cute." I said as Leo picks him up and says "Hey don't worry lil'guy I'll visit soon." Logan hugs his neck looking like he won't let go soon. " promise to come back soon." He saids holding out him pinky finger. "Promise." Leo made a pinky promise with my brother and I couldn't help it so I grab the Polaroid camera and take a picture. " And I'm keeping this." I said as I walk up to Leo to say goodbye. " I'll see at camp next week?" Leo asked as he hands me logan in my arms. " Yeah, call me when you get to camp." I kiss  Leo on the lips as we say goodbye. "Ewww cooties." Logan buries his head in my neck as he trys to look away. "Bye Leo love you." Leo kiss the top of my head. " love you too baby, See you later Logan." "Bye, but stop giving my sister cooties." We sigh as I close the door as Leo leaves.

      "Are gonna marry him (n/n)" asked my brother. " I don't know, I hope so." " Ok because I want a brother like him." Logan tells me. " Ok too soon you just meet the guy." I tell him. "Can we watch 'Finding Nemo' (n/n)" "shhhh Percy might hear you and yes we're going to watch it." I said. "YAY FISHY!"

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