my girl

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        Summer was ending for me so had to go back to (h/t) for school like the good little nugget I am. As I pack my bags Leo  walks and jumps on my bed.

     "Do have to go (y/n)?" Leo whines as he starts unpacking my things. I sigh and pack the stuff he's unpacking and say. "Yes Leo I start school in three weeks and I miss my family." As we keep packing and unpacking Leo whines even more and says. "Well at least let me take to (h/t) and spend the day with you." I think about for bit. I mean whats the worst that can happen right. "Alright just give me like 5 more minutes. I have to pack what you unpacked." Leo just smirks and kisses my cheek. "I'll get Festus ready!" As Leo runs out I roll my eyes laugh at my fire hazard of a boyfriend.

<time skip!>

    "Leo land here!" I said as we head to a clearing in the woods. We get off Festus and make our way to a park near by. "Are you sure no one will suspicious of a giant Celeste bronze dragon in the middle of a clearing (y/n)?" Leo ask as made it to the park. "Oh yeah. No one goes near the clearing because it's to dangerous to get there." "But we just came out of there." We sit on a swing set and I expand that it's easier to get out then in.
        "So you want me to show you around?" I ask as we get off the swings. "Yeah sure. where to?" I was about to say something until. "Well I was thinking..."

     "(N/N) YOU LITTLE SON OF A FUCKING M- 16!!!" "AHHHHHHH LEO SAVE ME!!"  The next thing I know some guy picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and runs off with me.

       "WHO THE FUCK IS LEO?!" The guys asks still running. I see Leo running after me and I yell. "MY BOYFRIEND!! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" The guy suddenly stops and drops me. "Wait? you don't remember me (y/n)?" I rub my head and get up to face the guy. He's really tall and really buff looking too. Not to mention kinda cute too.

      "Wait a minute. Colby? Is that you?" I said the boy smiles like an idiot picks me again spining me. "Ha the shortie remembers!" "Hey no fair! Everyone is shorter then you! Your like 7'3!" "Hey. It's 7'4." He corrects me as I jump to smack him.

       "(Y/N) WHO IS THAT GUY!!?! AND WHY DID YOU KIDNAP MY GIRLFRIEND YOU BITCH!!??!!" Leo yells as he finally caught up with us. "Oh your Leo. Your alot shorter close up." Colby says as he tilted head like a little puppy.

       "Um Leo this is Colby he's an old friend." I said but then Colby said. "And ex boyfriend. Don't forget that." Leo just stares with his mouth open then grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. "You used to date that!?"  He ask as I glare at at Colby. "Yeah I did. Look Leo it didn't even last a 3 months it wasn't anything serious." "Yeah we only dated because I lost in a game of Oreo." Colby said "What the heck is that!?" Leo ask as me and my old laugh.

          "It where you play rock, paper, scissors best 2 out of 3 and the winner tells the loser the ask out someone to be their boyfriend or girlfriend." I told Leo but he keeps glaring at Colby. " Leo are you ok?" I ask then he snaps.

        "Only dated (y/n) because you lost in a game named after a cookie?! And you broke up with her!?" Colby jumps a bit and puts ups his hands and says "Woah calm down dude it was like 3 years ago." But Leo didn't listen. "And now you just take her away from me just like that!? WELL GUESS WHAT I'M DATING HER AND SHE MINE SO STAY AWAY FROM HER!! IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT YOU MISSED OUT ON HAVING AN EPIC GIRLFRIEND!!!"

       Colby just looks down at Leo then at me. Leo throw his hands up and walks away for a bit."I'ma go cool off before I blow up." We watch Leo walk away and I give a sad smlie at him.

         "Well I guess you found someone better then me." Colby tells me I look at Leo who's off messing around with his toolbelt. "He's a lot like you when we were kids." "So I guess your still into class clowns then?" I laugh and shake my head. "Not really but I feel like happy when I'm with Leo." "Well I hope he treats you better then I did." He says as pats my shoulder. "Yeah. Just don't go kidnapping people ok?" Colby laughs "no promises (l/n). No promises. I have to go I'll see you around." "Bye."

      I wave goodbye as colby walks away. "Is he gone now." Leo asks as he makes his to me. "Yeah he's gone. Come on lets go get something to eat before the owls come out." "You know he was idiot to brake up with you but you're with me so it works out in the end." I laugh at what Leo says and ask " Were you jealous of my ex?" " THE GUY IS LIKE JASON, PERCY, FRANK, AND NICO ALL FUSED TOGETHER TO MAKE SOME SUPER TALL HOT GUY OF COURSE I WAS JEALOUS!!" I shake my head and grab Leo by the collar of a shirt and kissed him.

        " You know the problem of dating really tall guys is that their really hard to kiss when you want." I said "So you love me because you can kiss better then him?" "No Leo we broke up because he couldn't keep me happy like you do. I'm so happy to with you." I said as Leo cups his hand against my cheek. He smiles at me and kisses me as the kids in the park start to leave.

        "Thanks for telling me that (y/n) but just incase I'm going to school with you." I laugh at Leo but has a really serious look in his eye. "Just so the other guys don't kidnap you again." I hug Leo and smile. "No one is gonna kidnap if your there with me." "Yeah because your my girl."

       ~Colby is based of an old friend and was the guy who showed what Percy Jackson was. So i had to put him in the story somehow. ~

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