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     "zombie pirates! It just had to be zombie pirates!" Percy said as the rest of the Argo II ready their weapons.

     You see this all started with the idea that the 7, Nico,Will, Reyna and I should so on a cruise off the east coast 5 years after the war with Gaea. On this vacation Nico got knocked out by the mass and we got invaded.

        "THIS WOULD BE EASIER IF NICO WASN'T KNOCKED OUT!!" Leo yells as he strikes a zombie with his sword. "Hey your getting better at you swordplay Leo!" I yell at him. The moment i said more monsters got on board the argo.

      "SOMEONE NEEDS TO WAKE UP NICO! WE'RE GOING TO BE OVER RUN SOON!!" Annabeth says as slices a head. "WHAT DO YOU I'M DOING HERE!" Will yells back at her.

        "(Y/n) will you marry me?!" Leo asks as he makes his way over to me. I bock a sword and say. "I don't know if now is the best time!" Leo helps me cut off the pirate's head "I think now is the only time!" Leo get on one knee for like 5 seconds then jump kicks a zombie.  "I've already made my choice! Whats yours?!" I look in Leo's eyes then yell at Jason.

      "JASON!!MARRY US!!" He kick a skeleton over the rails and yells back. "A LITTLE BUSY HERE (Y/N)!"  "JUST DO IT!!" Leo yells at him. "Fine." Jason mutters as he jumps on railing. And kills another zombie. "DEARLY BELOVED WE ARE GATHER HERE...OH YOU LITTLE SON OF!!!" Jason gets interrupted by another pirate and yells "JUST SAY THE VOWS!!"

       Me and Leo still fighting side by side say the vows. "(Y/N) DO YOU TAKE ME AS YOUR HUSBAND?!" I face Leo and smile. "I DO!" then we dodge a swing from one of the monsters. "DO YOU LEO VALDEZ TAKE ME AS YOUR WIFE!! IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH!! IN RICH OR POOR!! AS LONG AS WE BOTH SHALL LIVE??!!"

"WHICH WON'T BE LONG!!" Percy yells.

         Leo smile at me and takes my hand. And stabs a zombie. "YES I DO!!"

      "YOU MAY!!GO TO HELL!!YOU MAY KIS!! GODS DAM IT!! JUST KISS!!!" Jason yells at us and  summons some Lightning. Leo and I kiss as the rain starts to poor down on us. The zombie now start to fade off the ship as Nico regains consciousness.


      "And that kids is how me and your mom got married." Leo says as sammy and Eric look us with their little mouths open. " please tell us that was made up mom."

       They look over at me but I just shrug. "No thats what happened. Ask uncle Jason he was the one married us."

       "so thats why you don't have any pictures of your wedding?" Sammy asks  tilting his head like a puppy. We both nod.

    "Almost all our friends got married like that but I think Frank was the one who married Jason and Piper?" Leo says looking a little confused. "Yeah it was." I said. "OK time for bed kids."


<i could do so much fight scenes I'm sorrry. And I just saw pirates of the Caribbean so thats where the inspiration came from.

Leo: I've always seen my self as Will Turner.

Me: well you're both hot.

Leo:ha you get it.


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