stormed In

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      "(y/n),  (y/n).....NOTICE ME!" Leo yells as jump on stomach. "MOTHER OF ZEUS!!! Leo what the hades?!" I yell in slight pain. "There NOTHING to do at your place!" He says laying down on me. "Well it was your idea to stay at my house while the storm calms down." "And we couldn't be more grateful to you (y/n)." Apollo says not really touching the food I laid out.

     "Hey if guys are in need of any help you can always send me a heads up." I said then realize that there's no way of sending communication.  "I honestly though it would be just snow. Not a full blown storm of precipitation of all kinds when we were knocked out of the sky." Calypso said brushing her hair out with a comb I lent her. "Well that's the Midwest for ya. F-up weather all the time." I said pushing Leo off of me.

        The moment I said that the lights went out and storm alerts went off. "And we should head to the basement." I said unfazed on what just happen. On the other hand the three guest where flipping out. "OH MY GODS WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" Apollo yelled while Leo and Calypso just yelped.

       "Ok calm down guy we just need to head down to the basement. Leo mind giving some light." Leo sets fire to his hand and we see Calypso and Apollo holding each other. They look at each other and quickly let go. "(Y/n) What just happened! Are we under attack." Apollo demands standing up.

      I laugh a little and tell him. "No we're not. Those were just storm sirens and we had a black out. There is no way you'll be able to leave untill I don't know, 3 days from now." "And do you know that?!" Calypso asks. "Well I don't. No does, like I said the weather here is messed up but by living in Indiana my whole life I can make some good guesses about this kind of thing. But really we should get in the basement it's safer." Everyone agrees heads down.

       "I can not believe that you're used to this kind a thing (y/n)." Leo says as help me lights some candles. "Yeah well that my life when I'm not at camp." I said kinda awkwardly. "Your still not upset about the breakup,are you?" He asks "Well does Calypso make you happy?" I ask. Leo nods still feeling the awkward tension around us. "Then that's I need to hear. I'm just want you to be happy Leo. Just because we broke up doesn't mean we can't be friends." Leo smlies and kisses my cheek. " Just friends." I said pushing him away a little.

      Leo rubs his neck embarrassed a bit. When we  finished lighting the candles leo and I sat down on a sofa my family owns. Calypso hands out that blanket I asked her to get, and we all just sit there for a whlie getting a bit antsy.

        "(Y/n) It's getting really cold down here!" Apollo complains while he burritos himself in 2 comforters. "Apollo, everyone else has one blanket we're all cold. Suck it up." Calypso says rubbing her temples.

       I get up from my seat and head to the door. "Where are going (y/n)?" Leo asks looking confused. "I'm going make something warm to drink. Coco, tea, coffee, something for me to do." I said climbing up the stairs. "I'm coming too, if I spend anymore time with Apollo I'll pull my hair out." Calypso offers, leaving the two boys by themselves.

       We make our way to the kitchen and look for something to make. Not talking to each other. 'Does she know that me and Leo used to date'  I think to myself. "You got a nice house here." Calypso says out of no where. " thanks... do have anything in mind for a drink?" I ask. "What kind of tea do you have?" She wonders as she takes a seat at my bar counter.

        "Ummm we have chamomile, green tea, lemon, ginger, earl grey, and cinnamon." I list off the tea we had and turn to see if she was interested. "I'll have chamomile." She says not looking me in the eye. "Coming up." I said heating up some water in a tea kettle.  Waiting for the water to heat up to look for the ingredients to make hot chocolate.

          "Hey (y/n), did you and Leo used to go out?" Calypso asks all of sudden. "Why you ask?" "When we had to land Leo said he had a close friend that would let us stay at their place. I just wanted to know... just how close were you guys?"

        We hear a high pinch whistle coming from the tea kettle. I grab the kettle and and mug to fill with water and placed the tea bag in the mug. Calypso takes the mug but messes with a bag for a bit. I take a seat across from her. "It's kinda a long story." "Well you said like an hour ago that we're going to be here for about three days. Might as well clear some air." She says tapping on the mug.

        "Well you got a point there." I said laughing a little. "Yeah, Leo and I used to date. When he first came to camp half blood I showed him around and after that we hung out a bit. One thing lead to another and we went out. Then during that battle with the Romans and the 7 battling Gaea... Leo was thought to be dead. I took it really hard and left camp for good that summer. I already had enough training to get by, thinking that godly beings and monters won't come knocking at my door. But then you guys showed up and you get the rest."

       "So that must by why you slam that door on us the first time." Calypso says laughing a bit. "Could you blame me?!" Calypso shakes her head smiling. "No I don't. I would do that same if was in your shoes." " just know I no intention of getting Leo back. He seems happy with you." I said. Calypso nods while drinking her tea blushing a little.

        "You want me to show you how to make hot chocolate?" I ask pointing over to the stove. Calypso smiles kindly. "I would like that."

      As we finish making the drink we hear the basement door banging. "LET US OUT WE CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" Apollo yells make Calypso and me laugh. "What you think (y/n) should we let them out!" She yell loud enough for the boys to hear. "I don't know Cal sould we!" "LET US OUT!!" 

      We ran to door and unlocked it. Letting the boys fall on the floor. "Wow what happed in there?" I ask helping Apollo up. "Don't ask." Leo said dusting off some lent off his shirt.  "What happened here should be the real question though. I thought you were gonna rip each others heads off!"

       Me and Calypso looked at each other confused.  "Why would you think that?" We ask. "Nevermind. (Y/n) I got the power back on so you can turn on the lights." Leo says looking very proud of himself. I turn the lights and thank Leo while Calypso gaves everyone some hot chocolate. 

       Three days later the storm finally ends and the  temperature outside is a good 57 degrees. Like I said the weather is messed up here. "Well I think we sould go now that weathers on our side." Apollo says looking out the window. "Do we really have to. I like (y/n)'s house." Leo says with his head on my lap While Calypso's  head is on my shoulder. "Yeah I mean it could rain and we would all get sick." Calypso complains.

        "Since when did you three start dating each other?" Apollo grumbles. "I don't know." We said at same time. "Things happen when your stuck with people you like for three days." Leo says winking at me and Cal. "Yeah he's not wrong." "Yup."

      Apollo hits his head with hand. "We have a job to do you need to take me to take down Nero so we can get Meg, reclaim the oracles so I can return to Olympus!" "Fine! But when we're done we're coming back for (y/n) and meeting up with the others." Leo says getting up. "Awww thanks babe." I said laughing. 

       Apollo, Leo and Calypso all get their things ready.  Before they leave I give them some spare ambrosia and and a canteen of nectar.  "Don't die on me again ok Leo." I said hugging him. "I promise only to try." Calypso then pinchs his arm and actually promises to stay alive. I kiss Leo on the lips and turn to Calypso.

       "Promise me you'll take of him while I'm not there?" I ask. She laughs and nods. "Yeah I promise to keep this dork alive." "HEY!" we laugh and kiss goodbye.

       "Good luck you guys!" I yell as they get on Festus. They all wave goodbye and head west. "You know, one of these day the gods will realize that they'll need to be more human right? "  I said to myself watch them go. The loud sound of thunder seem to disagree. I throw my hands up as I walk inside my house. "JUST SAY'N!"

<I'm actually from Indiana so the whole weather thing is true to an extent. Also I'm just tried of seeing people hating on Calypso because she was cursed to fall in love with every man that landed on her island. "SHE WAS CURSED!" so she couldn't help it. Just stop with that hate my dudes. I love Cal and i love Leo so why not make it into a 3 person relationship. If want more of this Ot3 just let me know.

Laterz till July 7th (Leo's birthday!)

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