chilling headcannons

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○ you guys just don't lay down and cuddle lets get that out of the way. Leo's too ADHD for that

○ it's mostly stupid stuff like putting pink hair dye in Clarisse's shampoo bottle

○ hopefully you didn't die

○you guys just crank up speakers and dance like idiots

○carpools are funny with the rest of the 7+ nico and Reyna since they have to deal with you trying to dance in the car all the time.

○but they all end up laughing and dancing with you guys untill you get pulled over

○you've tried to get Leo into reading but it didn't work out so much.

○untill you both found out about audio books. Because dyslexia make stuff hard to read.

(trust me I have it. And if your wondering how I'm writing this there's a called auto typing)

○ever since cabin 9 made monster proof phones Leo Snapchats all the time

○its mostly you two being dorks and making fun jason

○you guys hang out with jason and Piper all the time too, it's nice group of friends to have

○you found Leo knocked out on the sofa once so you did what any good girlfriend would do

○you got a make-up bag and made him pretty

○if you two have absolutely nothing to do then you both talk in Spanish

○or Leo teaches you more

○one time you were at home and Leo just snuck in to your room just because

○you throw pillows at him because he scared the crap out of you

○sometimes out of no where Leo ends up talking in a weird accent

○he blames Texas and knowing Spanish but you still tease him about it

○you guys play footsie a lot more then you think

○but mosy of the time you both work on different projects and just enjoy each others company.

○no talk just chill and enjoy life

< bonus points to ever gets the picture on top ok bye love you

Leo:love you too!

Me:oh hey you made it

Leo:yeah I'm going to hang out here every now and then.

Me: welp goodnight because I have to read 100 pages of book before 2:30 tomorrow ok now bye

Leo: bye guys♡

Me: so cute.

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