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      It was a nice day sunny day for a walk. So naturally Leo, me, Piper and Jason went to a park to hang out. Or as Piper calls it a double date.

      "So anything new with you and Logan (y/n)?" Leo asks as he draps his arm around my shoulders. "No, not  much but he asks when your coming back though." "Who's Logan? A friend of yours (y/n)?" Jasons asks me. I just say, "no he's half brother. He just turn 4 this month."

        The day keep going on like that until we saw a group of kids playing with Pokemon trading cards. " Pikachu I Choose You!" Yelled a little boy who looks a lot like Jason. "Hey Jase that kid kinda looks like you." Piper says pointing at him. Jason looks over at him. " I don't see it." " Oh yeah you look more like Pikachu instead." Leo said with a sarcastic tone.

       "How do I look like Pikachu Leo?" Jason asks. "Well for one you're  wearing yellow today, you both electric powers. And when your voice cracks you sound like Pikachu." Me and Piper start laughing. "I don't look like Pikachu Leo." "Keep telling yourself that Pikachu."

~Mean while at the sidelines~

     "Hey (y/n) is Leo still wearing his work shoes?" "Yeah why- ohhhh. Hey look shaved ice! I pay." I say as I we head to ice stand. "Get a bag of ice too. we're gonna need in like 5 minutes." "Way ahead of you Pipes."

~back to Leo and Pikachu i mean Jason~

      " Stop calling me Pikachu leo!" Jason yells looking down at Leo.  "FIGHT ME!" Leo yells back while gets on his toes. "WHAT YOU GONNA DO!?I'M TALLER THAN YOU!YOU GONNA KICK MY SHINE??!" Leo still in the heat of moment kicks Jason's shine.

      "Shit!" Jason couches down and hugs his leg. While Piper and I record this. "You know Jason probably wouldn't be crying if Leo wasn't  wearing his steel toe work boots." I said as I hand Piper the ice pack. "Yup. We better get over there now. Leo is starting to scold Jason in Spanish."

     "  este es que pasa cuando me llames chaparro Jason!" Leo yell while Jason sheds "manly tears"  " I have no idea what your saying Leo."

It was an interesting date

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