marry me

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       "(Y/n) you are the prettiest in camp halfblood." Leo said taking (y/n)'s hand and kiss it. "Why, thank you sir Leo." She answer back.

       "Would you acomply me to the mysterious wedding today?" Leo asks still holding the lovely  (y/n)'s hand. But she pulls her hand away. "No." Leo in shocks stutters out. "But-but (y/n) I love you!"

      (Y/n) smiles and places her hand on Leo cheek. "I, love you too. I LUV you!" Leo overjoyed gets on one knee and takes her hand. "Marry me (y/n)!" He says but (y/n) turns away with a distress look on her face.

       "No." She says flatly. Leo now on both his knees yell the question on his mind wanting an answer. "WHY!?" (Y/n) turns back to face the helpless lover  and gave him her anwser. "I-I don't love you. Woopise."

       Leo in distress scream at the top of his lungs "(Y/NNNNNNNN)!!!!"  (Y/n) now looking Leo sadly feels the need to tell him the truth. "I'm in love with another."

        "WHO IS THIS MAN!?" Leo yells  demanding an answer as he gets up from the ground.




(y/n) says " I love you!" Leo gasps, overjoyed of the news he just heard from the love of his life. He takes (y/n)'s and and asks again. "Marry me (y/n)."

         But yet again (y/n) pulls away and answers Leo dying question. "No" Leo once again in his heartbroken state, yells his lover name to sky.

      "I'm in love with your brother." She say sounding sad but tis true that Leo brother, is the one who has her heart. "JAKE!?"  Leo yell outraged that his own blood has taken the love of his life. "I KILL HIM WHEN I FIND HIM!" He proclaims, not wanting to look (y/n) in her beautiful (e/c) eyes.

          "Or he will find... YOU!"  Both shocked at the new voice in this conversation, (y/n) and Leo, turn quickly to see Jake Mason make his way to his lover. "JAKE!?" they both yell.

        He gives a  slight chuckle and proclaims. "The mysterious wedding, has been OUR wedding all along! (Y/n) and I are getting wed at the wedding today! You are not invited." Jake say as points at Leo. "Will you be my best man?" He then ask.

           Leo nods sadly and answers. "Of course brother, I hate you so much." He says with every word  laced with hatred toward his brother he thought he loved once.

       "Goodbye brother I'll see you at the  bachelor party!" Jake says as he takes (y/n) with him. Alway from Leo for which she did truly love. Before they left to be completely out of Leo's sight (y/n) took one, just one last look at him.

         Depressed ,heartbroken,betrayed was the mix of emotions on his face (y/n) saw. "Goodbye Leo, I will always Love you." She said softly. Then turned away and went of the Aphrodite cabin to be fit in her wedding dress.

          Leo faintly hear what his love said. Clenching his fist tightly together till his knuckles were white. He face  the ground and whispered her name... one last time.



meanwhile on Olympus

        " Aphrodite what the heck are you doing?" Poseidon asks. Aphrodite qiuckly hides her life like dolls of the three protagonists in her little soap opera. "Nothing, nothing at all!" She answers. "You been messing with (ship name) again, haven't you." The sea god says not surprised at his niece and or Aunt.

      "Well I can't help there My OTP!" The goddess says defensively. "Well you just married (y/n) to another man, so (s/n) just Sunk." Poseidon says smirk at her.

       Aphrodite quickly realized what she did and went to mirror and went to see (y/n) in a makeshift wedding gown and Leo and Jake at a bachelor party. "My OTP!" Aphrodite quickly used her magic to get the Three half Bloods out of their trance.

~back at camp Halfblood~

      "What the- WHY AM I IN A WEDDING DRESS?!" (Y/n) screams while the other Aphrodite girls explain what happened.

       "Ohhhhhh, it's was Aphrodite, wasn't it." They nod and Piper offers to help take the dress off but (y/n) scooted away a little. " actually I kind of want to get the dress. I feel pretty." Everyone laughs and gets back to doing whatever they were doing.  except (y/n) was now training in a dress.

       Leo on there hand was just went on to hanging with Jake for the rest of the day. Still having no idea what the Hades happen. Or why his girlfriend was sword fighting in a wedding dress. He fingered it must of been Aphrodite messing with them again.



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