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A loud snore woke me from my slumber. I looked at the tiny alarm clock above me, on the bedside table; 7:34 it read. Riley was still asleep, but we would have to get moving if I wanted to live until my fifteenth birthday.
"Riley?" I tried to poke him, but it never worked. How could boys be so good at sleeping?! My nails were like tiny claws and I was surprised when they didn't wake him.
"Riley!" I raised my voice, hoping that the intensity would do the job. It didn't.
"Snoring bastard. Why won't you wake up?!" I yelled. A groan was let out from his mouth. Shit. He had heard me. Now I had no chance of being 'his'.
"Moaning bitch! Leave me alone!" He laughed at my anger-it was a joke but I could tell that my face was taking him seriously.
"Shut up and get ready. We don't have long to have breakfast."
"No problemo honey. Breakfast is on the house-I have a voucher. It's for two people." I beamed at the thought of that. Me and Riley. Riley and me. Sounded so sweet! But Riley and Rosella or Riley and Alice? I couldn't figure out which one sounded best, my made up name, or my real one.
Wandering down to breakfast, I noticed that it was chucking it down outside. Knowing my luck, it would have been quite obvious had I not been in such a haze of emotion. "Hello kids! Sleep well? Doesn't matter-I could have sworn that there was a hog in your room last night." He said, giving a look towards Riley. We both chuckled, making the owner, whose name I discovered was David,  give us both the weirdest glance.
We ordered our food and that's when she came. Alice. The pretty one. Sashaying into the room like the owned the place. Bitch even had the nerve to throw a wink in Riley's direction! I mean, seriously? Ugh! "Hey Ri. I'm starving! What food do they serve here?" She stood in front of me, her butt obscuring my vision. This could not get any worse. But it did.
"Hey Aliy. Do you want to join me? Got a voucher for two people if you want it?" He asked, not bothering to look at me to see if I was okay with it. And 'Aliy'? Oh how long I had wished he would call me that and now, he was calling another girl by the name. My life was horrible!
So I got evicted from the table and had to pay (with discount as old David felt sorry for me) for my food with the money that was our have been there to help us on our onward journey. When the slut had sashayed away again, I jumped back into my old chair and have Riley the death stare. "What?" He asked, giving me wide, questioning not eyes. My face soon soothed; I mean, how could you stay mad at such a cutie?
As we left, the heavens opened again and we both got drenched. We went onto another bus, this time a stagecoach headed for a town called Cirencester. I had heard of the great cheap prices for accommodation and the architecture was amazing!
I plonked down on the window seat as Riley glanced round us, whilst onlookers kept giving us weird glances out of the corner of their eyes. He let out a deep sigh but soon perked up as something caught his attention. We were beginning to move now, but that didn't bother Riley. Oh no! He just leaped out of his seat and ran down the aisle leaving me, myself and I to look like a weirdo. I peeked through the seats and saw her. Her and her swaying hips seemed to pop up everywhere now. They were flirting once again as silent tears seeped from my eyes.
And this was why I tried my best to NOT fall in love...

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