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Today was a special day. My mum and dad's wedding anniversary. Sadly, my mother had passed away giving birth to me, but that didn't seem to bother me anymore - my dad was cool. Yes, I still remembered her, especially on days like today; but never did I wish that I could have met her as my dad did the best job of telling me stories about when she was alive. He made it seem as though she was standing right there, telling me herself. Remembering my mother always came to an end when I reached school - who wants a blubbering idiot in their class? 

Today was also special in many other ways too: it was my friend Penelope's 15th birthday and me and Peter were going to make it the BEST! They totally deserved it after all my anxiety breakdowns in primary school. They were always the ones ready to comfort me and allow me to cry on them. 

It was also weird today too as, when I went to go and have a secret meeting with Peter before Penelope got to school, a person dressed in black stood leaning against the school gates, glaring at me...

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