call from future(blitz)

79 20 36

Gifts on birthdays
Gifts are my favourites
Favourites are wrapped
Favourites are bright
Bright makes the eyes light
Bright makes the cheeks glow
Glow comes from deep within
Glow keeps me alive
Alive that I am these days
Alive are all my family and friends
Friends have become strangers
Friends don't call
Call me when I am not studying
Call me when I am not reading
Reading is my passion
Reading is my life
Life has become a joy
Life has become my love
Love is not about soul mates
Love is not about romance
Romance is for heroes
Romance is for heroines
Heroines don't exist in life
Heroines are for heros
Heros don't exist in life
Heros are a human creation
Creation is what I am
Creation of God
God is what I am after
God is The Creator of World
World is after me
World has become all about destruction
Destruction is his game
Destruction is in our past
Past is a terrifying place to visit
Past of mine is full of disappointment
Disappointment is my second name
Disappointment is in my veins
Veins are made of strength
Veins are naturally tough
Tough is what God made me feel
Tough is what I am I think
Think twice before you speak
Think twice before you decide
Decide when the time is right
Decide for your past and future
Future is unclear
Future is blurred




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