a letter

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You hurl these heavy carnations at us

and it's too late when I see

they are a bunch of cacti

What have you done to me?

I see you;

your whole being

flushing a blood red

and the tears that spill

from your eyes like you contained them all this time

to save yourself from letting go

to save yourself from freedom

to save yourself from the pain of release

Despite the cacti you have always had an affinty to,

I can't help but join you

I really want to put my arms around you

rub your back

and embrace you in my heat

comfort you like you are me

but it's easier to sit beside you and cry with you

for all the pain your cacti gave me

for the pain that I see you are suffering now

I want to offer my hand and really tell you,

I love you and I am here. Please don't let me go.

But, you have always had some affinity to cacti

and you don't find it hard to shower others with dandelions

I can't

And my heart is a stubborn little thing that can't help but doubt maybe the cacti you have thrown around are coming back at you

in ways you never thought it would

I am so sorry you are going through this, but know.

I don't resent you. I don't hate you. You are a perfect sphere but only am I accustomed to those hills and dips

I have always loved you. Don't ever doubt it.

Yours faithfully,





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