at late teens

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you dance around him
like he is the sun
and not once does your face dim
even when he is distracted

you invent moves to hold him
you smile and smile
like you know it's the one thing
he needs from you

you fall into his waiting arms
and laugh so loud
he laughs with you
and puts you on his lap

the show is over
but the tale isn't
you will not remember
how you adored him
and you won't dance
in the later years, either

but I will remember
I will always remember
because I was that girl once
pumping up my legs
and jumping on squishy toes

moving my hips
and flailing my arms

when I knew he would be looking
when I knew he would be watching

you will not remember
how you stood and looked up
at him; touching his knees
but I will remember
I will always remember

because, I was that girl once
falling asleep to the tune
he hummed
and waking up to his heaving chest
beneath mine

I will never forget
and I will always remember

don't ever fall in love with him
when your brain forgets
and heart remembers

I don't want you to follow me
take another path and let's see
how you will brave your heart,
seventeen years later


a/n: don't we all have a favourite cousin or someone, really when we are one or two? or maybe, three? I had one, and he is still my one year old cousin sister reminds me of myself, so much.




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