Chapter 8: Friends and Family

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Sofie tossed her schoolbag onto her floor. Even though it made a loud thud, she did not care. She was home alone for another hour on a Friday afternoon. Sofie had the urge to call up either Isabelle or Zoé, although, she realized they would be sharing a tub of popcorn at the movie theater.

The brunette sighed heavily as she flopped onto her bed. Shadow flew out of her pocket instantly. The Wolf-like creature then descended upon her master's forehead and gazed into her eyes.

"So," the Kwami commenced while stirring her messy tail from side to side, ruining Sofie's kempt hair. "What's up with you? You do not seem as lovely as you naturally are."

Sofie straightened herself upwards from her bed as Shadow grasped herself into Sofie's hair so she would collapse onto the ground. Sofie blurred out an intense shriek at the sudden action of her hair almost being ripped from her scalp. Shadow returned a sheepish grin and floated to her lap like nothing occurred.

"Now what were you saying?" the Wolf Kwami asked as she relaxed herself once again.

Sofie sighed heavily. "I'm just so bored. My dad and my stepmother will be at work for another hour and my friends are probably at the movies without usual."

Shadow placed her white paw on her chin. "Hm, how about you tell me a bit about your friends and family? After all, we have not been together for a whole week. An hour gives us the perfect amount of time to learn a brief summary of the ones you care about."

"I guess that sounds reasonable," Sofie answered. "What do you want to hear first?"

Shadow pondered that question for a few moments. She was deciding between learning about Sofie's parents first or learning about the mysterious behavior that both of her friend share. Finally, she had chosen the right one. "Your family. I'd like to know why you call your mother a flat surface that you stand upon to escalate and who this James person is."

Bewilderment hit Sofie. If it had a physical form, it would have sent her flying towards the other side of Paris. "W-what do you mean by 'you call your mother a flat surface that you stand upon to escalate'?"

"You know," Shadow answered. "you call her stepmother or something like that."

Sofie burst into laughter. "Shadow, when was the last time you went into the human world?"

"About a few centuries ago. Well, other than actually getting some fresh air and talking to the Guardian of the Miraculous' or with my fellow Kwami's. Though, it was mainly with Trixx because we are best friends!"

The brunette sighed. "Okay, the term stepmother means the mother, in this case Ami, isn't my biological mother. In other words, Ami did not give birth to me."

"Then how are you here? Surely, you had to been brought into this world somehow." Shadow questioned while raising a furry eyebrow.

A shiver ran down Sofie's spine at where the conversation had ascended to. "My real mother brought me here."

"Then where is she?" Shadow asked.

Sofie stiffened at her Kwami's question. "She's...d-dead." She felt a fresh batch of tears ready to be released.

"Shadow gasped in horror. "I did not know...I'm sorry for being oblivious towards this."

"It's alright," Sofie reassured. "She passed away a year ago due to an illness. You don't have to pity me."

A passel of interrogatories entered the Wolf's mind. "So, how did Ami come into play?"

"Well, my father did not want to be alone with me for the rest of his life," Sofie explained. "Sure he loves me and all, but soon I'll be going off to college and preparing for my own life, but he does not want to be stuck in grief for that time being. He called up his old friend from school, Ami, and since she was divorced, my dad asked is she could marry her."

"Even though she said yes, there was a twist," she continued after a short pause. "Ami had a son of her own. And it just so happens he's my age, but a few months younger than me. The two of use don't get along with each other. Scratch that, I don't get along with him. He does his own thing, but when he has the chance, he will tease me and joke around with me."

"That seems like a lot of things you burden," Shadow stated. "But, where is James now? I could not understand what your stepmother was saying earlier today about him."

"In New York. He left for a school trip. We go to different schools so we won't argue and quarrel during school hours."

Shadow's eyes widened. New York? But that's where...

"I'm actually happy that he's not here. It's pretty relaxing and it reminds me of the time without a stepbrother; An only child."

"O-okay, how about you tell me about your friends," Shadow nervously claimed, changing the topic. "They seem to have some odd relationship."

"Odd relationship?" Sofie questioned. "What do you mean by that—," Suddenly, something struck Sofie's mind. "Oh, you mean why they are always together."

"Yes," Shadow remarked. "I know how friends are, but they have more of a...connection."

"Well, that's because they both like each other. They're bisexual." Sofie explained.

Shadows face grew blank. "What does that mean?"

"It means either Isabelle or Zoé can be in a relationship with a boy or a girl." the brunette stated.

"That's legal?!" Shadow exclaimed.

"Thankfully...," Sofie replied.

"But, why do they like each other?" Shadow asked, perplexed thoughts filled her mind as new knowledge entered it.

"It's a mystery to us all," the brunette answered, then patted Shadow's head.

"But what about reproductive? That's the main reason why living things exist on this planet!" the Wolf addressed.

"They can't do that, dummy. Plus, don't talk about that stuff around me, it's disgusting." the Wolf's Master replied.

The Wolf-like creature opened her mouth to protest, but immediately shut it. She did not want to offend Sofie's friends.

Sofie looked down at her Kwami and smiled devilishly. "Since I told you about my background, how about you tell me about yours? You know, where you came from, how the other Wolf Miraculous' were like. That sort of stuff."

The Kwami's eyes widened. "Okay, but another time. You have a steak to prepare for me."

The brunette sighed and exited her bedroom. She's hiding something from me for sure.


Hello everyone! So yeah, pretty awkward chapter, to be honest. My friend, Troyelikesboys wanted me to add some characters that are gay. I didn't really want to just add some characters that will only appear in one chapter, so I made Isabelle and Zoé like each other.

Shut up, it's a good idea. I actually think this will work because...I don't know. They just seem right for each other, you know? Though, it's lesbian instead of gay, but it's still the same thing...but with girls.

Anyways, that's all for today. I know it was a short chapter, but the next one will be a bit longer. Don't worry, the story will get more exciting. Though, I might slow down the update schedule because one, school is being an obstacle so I can't right the chapters and two...

Well, I kinda need to wait for my friends to start their stories. If you haven't read the description, it says the it'll be a crossover between our stories. So yeah. I'm actually pretty hyped for it. So the update schedule might be every other week. I hope that okay with you guys.

Whelp, thanks for reading and have an nice day!! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!!


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