"Making Decisions"

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Victor and Yuri stopped to catch their breath and take a break after running a quarter mile. They were starting a fitness routine for the Four Continents starting this month. Victor was still going to coach and choreograph Yuri's skate program but he was not going to compete against him in the Four Continents or the World Championship as previously planned. Victor intentionally missed the European Championship because he and Yuri had been on vacation. Victor would have liked to train with the synchronized skating team this year and participate in the 2018 events but when they were in the sauna he had told Yuri that whatever they decided to train for he wanted them in the same ISU event. He wanted Yuri to win the gold medal; probably more than he ever wanted to win it for himself. "Yuri, I have a work out schedule for you for 2 weeks. I want you to run a quarter mile on Mondays, skate on Tuesdays, ballet at Vaganova Academy on Wednesdays, skate on Thursdays, go to Planet Fitness on Fridays, and ballet again on Saturdays. Beginning the third week I only want you skating." "I think I can handle this schedule", Yuri said as he was reading it. He looked up at Victor "thank you", he said. "Can I have a pork cutlet bowl on Sundays?" he laughed. "I think I will have earned one." "Of course my "hot katsudon", Victor said winking at Yuri.

That evening Victor and Yuri made kotlety and mushroom julienne for dinner and ate in front of the fireplace. They clinked their glasses of white wine together and drank to their good health (salud). After dinner they took Makkachin for a long walk and stopped to get some tea and two slices of blueberry cheesecake from Gosti's.

Neither of them felt like washing the dishes so they left them until tomorrow. Victor got Makkachin ready for bed and Yuri gave him his Chewee.

Victor rewarmed the tea and Yuri placed the cheesecake on a plate and carried it to the bedroom. Yuri was looking out the window eating his cheesecake when Victor walked in with the tea. "Kopeck for your thoughts", he said. Yuri turned around and set his cheesecake down on the plate. He took the tea from Victor and set it down next to the cheesecakes and then removed his glasses. "You have some cheesecake on your finger Yuri." Victor took a step toward Yuri and brought his finger to his lips and licked it off. He stood there still holding his hand. Yuri stepped closer to Victor and ran his left hand through the back of Victor's starlight hair and pulled him close. They stayed like that for several minutes just looking into each others eyes then Yuri gave Victor the softest, sweetest kiss one could give. "I love you so much," Yuri said silently. Victor ran his fingers through Yuri's soft brunette hair and mouthed "I love you forever". They kissed more passionately on the lips, then Yuri kissed Victor's neck inhaling his familiar scent. Yuri ran his hands down the back of Victor's sweater and pulled it over his head. Victor unbuttoned Yuri's shirt exposing the smooth chest he loved to kiss. They worked at each others belts and slid off their pants and undergarments. Yuri crawled onto the bed and lied on his stomach. Victor laid on his side and kissed Yuri again. He sat up and rubbed Yuri's shoulders and lower back. He then slid over Yuri's legs, kissed his back, and entered him. Yuri moaned and pushed up off the bed so Victor could wrap his arms around Yuri's chest to penetrate him deeper. Their glistening bodies moved together to a slow, passionate rhythm only they could hear until Victor climaxed inside his lover. Victor laid on Yuri's back and softly kissed the back of his neck. Yuri turned around until he faced Victor and wrapped his arms around him tightly. They looked into each others eyes until sleepiness took over and their bodies relaxed. Victor rested his head on Yuri's chest and listened to his heartbeat while Yuri rubbed his back.

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